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Thursday, July 11, 2013

War On Drugs Fostered Mass Incarceration

Neill Franklin has come a long way since his years as an undercover narc for the Maryland State Police then head of training for the Baltimore City Police Department.

He now heads Law Enforcement Against Prohibition in Silver Spring, an enemy of the war on drugs he fought so long.

Greg Carpenter has come a long way since the 20 years he spent in prison in Maryland, California and Georgia. For the last 15 years in Baltimore he’s been working to help prisoners re-enter society and last year served on the Gov. Martin O’Malley’s Re-Entry Task Force.


1 comment:

  1. How about we start putting the international mega-bank officers in jail that are making billions laundering money for the drug cartels and are keeping the hypocritical "war on drugs" alive. So many peolpe are making so much money in high places I don't think the prohibition is going to end any time soon, especially out of Washington the most corrupt place of all.


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