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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Putting Out The Flame


  1. Very good analogy, only I would have had him pi_ _ing on the flame.
    Who is going to stand up to this clown and his evil minions?

  2. You're correct. No one has the balls to stand up to him. He's doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and not one person is trying to stop him.

  3. Seems like the majority of DemoCrips and the ReBloodicans are in the same banskster one world club he is in. Explains why something is not really being done, just a show for the sheeple on the MSM. Only those evil Tea Party politicians like Rand Paul seem to at least be trying to fight back. All we are told about them is how DANGEROUS they are. Yeah,to the the Muslim clown running the executive branch!


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