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Monday, July 15, 2013

Vessels Capsize Offshore In Same Location This Weekend

OCEAN CITY -- Potential tragedy was averted over the weekend as two vessels capsized at roughly the same location two days apart and the boats were still out bobbing in the ocean as of midday on Monday.

On Saturday, a 23-foot catamaran capsized in the ocean about 25-30 miles southeast of the Ocean City Inlet. A Good Samaritan vessel responded to the capsized vessel and safely removed its occupants. However, the sailboat did not sink and remained floating in the ocean in roughly the same location as of Monday.

On Sunday, another vessel, this time a 23-foot Grady White capsized at roughly the same site in an area referred to, ironically, as the Twin Wrecks. Again, a Good Samaritan vessel responded and took the unidentified occupants to safety. The Grady White was still bobbing with its hull side up on Monday. According to a source, both vessels appeared to be in good condition and there were no obvious signs of damage or distress.



  1. Oh My God! Is it a Worm Hole?

  2. Just as there is a protocol for Rock, Paper, Scissors...

    The lesson here is two eyed snake beats one eyed snake.

    You've been warned.


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