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Sunday, July 07, 2013

There Is Nothing To Celebrate

In a few days, we will all have an opportunity to peacefully inflict a major psychological blow on the rapidly coalescing police state by the simple but powerful act of refusing to play along with the absurd pantomime on the 4th of July that we live in an even nominally free country – one with the rule of law, an operative Constitution and respect for individual rights. One that isn’t a thugocracy.

We can turn our backs on the flag. Decline to participate when urged to cheer and sing.

4th lead

No fireworks. No barbeques.

We can sit down – and bow our heads.

We can mention the unmentionable: That there is no longer any meaningful limit to the power of the government over our lives. No line beyond which it may not tread. That it lies, spies and tyrannizes.

We can admit to ourselves the shoddy – and frightening – reality bubbling up all around us.

By so doing, we can shatter the illusion that this government operates with anything remotely approximating our consent. This is absolutely essential. The 4th of July pantomime requires that we deny the obvious – that we instead pretend we’re free people living in a free country; one in which the government is accountable to the people, one in which the government is limited by law. One in which people can’t simply be dragooned into prisons without due process, held incommunicado, tortured. A country with a president who doesn’t have kill lists – or use the instruments of state power to punish and intimidate his political opponents. One in which citizens must be suspected of a crime before their personal correspondence is filched through and recorded for later use against them. One in which a traveler is free from arbitrary and random searches of his person and effects.


  1. I am going to celebrate the fact that I live in the greatest nation in the world, even with its faults. If any of you don't like it here you are free to move to somewhere that is a real police state, one where this type of article with get you jailed or killed. God Bless America.

  2. This article may not get you jailed or killed but it sure as heck could get you an IRS audit.

  3. we are not celebrating independence day this year. as we feel we no longer have it. we live under a muslum dictator. there is no democratic party. it should be called the socialist party as that's what it is.
    no barbeques or fireworks this year. obombma has destroyed this country.
    if i had the money, unfortunately obombma took it all. i'd move to belise or austrailia.
    the u.s. is no longer the best place in the world to live.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I am going to celebrate the fact that I live in the greatest nation in the world, even with its faults. If any of you don't like it here you are free to move to somewhere that is a real police state, one where this type of article with get you jailed or killed. God Bless America.

    July 1, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    we don't have to move, it is coming here soon. and attitudes like yours allow it. keep your head in the sand.

  5. @2:35
    Today is Canada Day go up there an celebrate you looney.

    Also, have a great time with nationalized healthcare, strong unions and strict gun laws in Australia and Belize!

  6. I would encourage the author of this little "woe is me" passage, and maybe the author of this sorry excuse for a blog, to travel more. See what the rest of the world is like and how America is still the most free country in the world. It's actually not even close.

  7. Anon 2:51: you must have had your head in the sand during English class. Go back to school and learn and grammar, for Pete's sake.

  8. 2:52 why go there?

  9. God Bless America

  10. This is just about the last place on earth where you can legally own an AR15.

  11. I have been fortunate in my career over the past 30 years to have traveled the world. I have worked in and visited most countries in Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Europe, Scandanavia, Central and South America and even countries in the Middle East. I have had wonderful experiences and made lifelong friends. I have been in awe of what many countries in these regions have to offer but one thing is for sure. Nothing gives me greater joy than the feeling of the airplane tires hitting the runway back in the good old US of A. No matter how bad people think it is here, there is no better place in the world to live. I for one will be celebrating this great nation over the upcoming long weekend.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Anon 2:51: you must have had your head in the sand during English class. Go back to school and learn and grammar, for Pete's sake.

    July 1, 2013 at 3:07 PM

    that's all you got? putting my head in the sand would be less boring then listening to the likes of people like you. seems you are still in high school.

  13. 6:45 PM

    wouldn't you like to keep it that way, or like some of the others, give some freedoms up a little at a time, just as long as you're one notch above other countries?

    Or when they take your fireworks and b-b-q that will be your last straw?

    It will be too late when this country gets to the level of the other 'worse' countries wouldn't it?

  14. 3:00 PM

    If this blog is so sorry, why are you here?
    Surely you can find another in all your travels?

  15. i've seen what the rest of the world is like. and i can tell you, comparably, NOW, in todays world, the U.S. Sucks with it's socialist rulers.
    this is not the greatest country or place in the world any longer.
    wake up and smell the dead roses.

  16. I served 20 years in the United State Marine Corps. I love this country, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Our history reminds us not to repeat our mistakes. We now must ALL work to correct the current mistakes by our leaders. Never give up on this country. We have to much to gain to lose.


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