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Sunday, July 07, 2013



  1. Great, so where is this place?

  2. So tell me why this matters at all? Last time I checked seafood IS food. Get a life.

  3. 12:48, it matters, because, i cannot afford to buy them..

  4. EBT cards should be limited to fruits, vegetables and healthy lifestyle inducing foods ONLY! The recipients gave up their rights to choice when they accepted the handouts from the government.

    The frauds will be complete when they pull up in their Caddy's/Benz's...maybe the fraud agents will be there to collect data - we can only hope!

  5. It's a stupid loophole that needs to be fixed. You can buy any uncooked food with them. Cold subs at wawa but not hot. Places that sell live seafood and them cook them for free can accept them.

  6. Looks like JT and the wife are gonna eat real good tonight. I wonder if he'll take pics and post them to facebook?

  7. They should be proud of this.

  8. Linton is a crook. Not only has he long accepted EBT cards, he offers a "two-for-one" deal... He gives the parasites one dollar cash per two dollars he charges on their EBT cards. "Free money" for him and "free cash" for them.

  9. It's the regulations/restrictions that are at fault, certainly not Linton's. In these business times, a buck's still a buck.

  10. This is too funny. I noticed this sign a week ago and wondered to myself how long would it take to show up on this blog? Even faster than I imagined.

  11. 12:48 you sound like an idiot . EBT aka taxpayers money should not be used for seafood. That is the problem with people getting government help people abuse them. They really need to regulate they programs you have so many free loaders who wont get off there butt and work makes me sick.

  12. 4:05. Respectfully (without using words like idiot), why should fresh seafood be banned from EBT any more than beef, steaks, unhealthy sodas or junk food. It's not like Lintons sells beer and cigarettes to EBT card holders.

  13. get over it, food is food. So what if they eat seafood off ebt...get a life

  14. So anyone on food stamps is a "parasite," a "fraud," or a "freeloader." Does that extend to unemployment, Medicare, Social Security, and other government welfare programs?

    And you guys wonder why you lost in 2012.

  15. Don't you dare call social security or medicare a govt. welfare program! I worked every day of my life and paid into both those programs and have earned every dam penny I get from it unlike you who have obviously been a "moocher" all your life to even think like you do...go get a job and quit sucking the working man dry!

  16. The point is that if you are really needy and are asking for a hand out you should at least use that hand out wisely. Surly the people with these cards could buy a lot more food at a more reasonable price if they were truly in need. Crabs are $150.00 a bushel and I don't think people asking for help should be expecting to eat crabs or anything else that cost a lot of money.

  17. Visit Chesapeake Seafood at the corner of Riverside Dr and Camden Ave if you want to see cards used. Its nice to see government action in work when they use their cards. Maybe I can get one quick, I am thinking of a crab feast this weekend.

  18. Anonymous said...
    12:48, it matters, because, i cannot afford to buy them..

    July 1, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    so what should everyone eat that you can afford?

  19. EBT is a lifestyle for many and as long as we continue to allow welfare to be more favorable than work this county will eventually be 50 % of the county working to support the other 50%


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