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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Should US Suspend Military Aid To Egypt, To Try To Speed New Elections?

Now that Egypt’s first democratically elected president has been removed from office by the country’s powerful military, the United States can try to use its leverage to get what it would like see: a return to constitutional order and an elected government, through elections including all of Egypt’s political factions, in short order.

But US ability to influence events and leaders in Egypt is scant, as ex-President Mohammed Morsi's year in power and Tuesday’s coup against him demonstrate.

Although most Egyptians seem to suspect that America’s heavy hand is behind every major move in their country, it is evident that the Obama administration, starting with President Obama, was unable to deter Mr. Morsi from his authoritarian drift over recent months. Nor was it able to dissuade the Egyptian military, with which the US has long ties, from ousting Morsi and arresting him and dozens of other officials from Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood.



  1. if we are 17 Trillion in debt with no jobs bad insurance plan and a corrupt President... Why are we sending them money anyway?

  2. Stop giving all money to all foreign countries. Get out, leave them all to their own control and governance. Just as we Americans expect from all other countries for ourselves.

  3. The best thing for us to do is nothing. Let Egypt handle their own problems.

  4. We shouldn't need a reason to discontinue support of any nation. Otherwise, it's not support.

  5. "Egypt’s first democratically elected president"

    Yeah right. The stupid stupid foolish American people falling for the Obama admin propaganda.

  6. Actually there is a federal law that says if there is a military coup in a country receiving foreign aid the money has to be cut off immediately. But when did the Obama administration ever follow the law?

  7. Cancel all foreign aid until we get our crap straight.

  8. It's sad to see America is the big bully of the world. No wonder all these countries hate us. I wish we would stay to ourselves.

  9. A corrupt Muslim president can be kicked out of office with the will of the people and the military which no longer has respect for him. Getting any ideas?

  10. 8:23 just made about 4-5 lists at the FBI, Homeland Security, the NSA, the CIA, Secret Service, and all the area State Police. It was nice knowing ya....

  11. No help to other countries till our debt. is paid down!

  12. Why not trade them any military hardware they want (so long as it's not as good as ours) for oil or gold? Then we could go blow it all up if they get out of line.

  13. Imclain are you serious? Im far behind you on any of those lists. And with recent revelations what difference does that make? Maybe we will get to meet each other in one of the re-education camps. Not sure which side of the cages you will be on.


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