- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 21:08:01Nature: Overdose City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 20:00:55Nature: Seizure City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 18:22:30Nature: Unresponsive Patient City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 16:49:48Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 16:19:15 Nature: Medical Assist Address: 232 Tilghman Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 16:14:52Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 11:27:15Nature: Injury City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 10:41:30 Nature: Vehicle Fire Address: Salisbury Byp and snow Hill Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 10:00:39 Nature: Medical Assist Address: 305 S Park Dr Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 09:58:40Nature: Psychiatric Emergency City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 09:26:56Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 08:13:56 Nature: Non Breathing Address: 1609 Emerson Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 04:17:55 Nature: Medical Assist Address: 1028 Heron Ct Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 04:17:52Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 03:00:59Nature: Chest Pain City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 00:41:19Nature: Pro Qa Ems City: Salisbury
- Thursday July, 25 2013 @ 00:33:00Nature: Maternity Patient City: Salisbury

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
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How many these calls were caused by illegal drugs?
ReplyDeleteit was quite amusing to see one of your followers take a photo of the fire truck at Taylors on Wednesday. He refused to take a photo of the two SPD officers and One Wicomico County Sheriff who walked in at the same time. It was amusing because the tide was quickly turned when a firefighter took a photo of the followers dog locked in his car. With the temperature over 90 degrees his dog was left in his vehicle. When the firefighter went to alert the police officers of the matter he quickly ditched his lunch and drove away. Since you are an animal lover I thought you might enjoy the story.
ReplyDeleteJoe please take a minute and explain to your readers what your beef is with the firefighters.
ReplyDeleteHow does Salisbury compare to other cities fire departments? All I have to go by is the run logs, some help with accidents and medical and others I see are only doing Fire (like Dover), but most I see are all volunteer not paid like Salisbury so I am having a hard time figuring out if Salisbury FPD is doing their job as they should or are they racking up the calls to get more money?
ReplyDeleteI would include a list of links to the other FD's run logs but that will not make it through the moderators, so Google "fire department run log" and you should get some of the local ones, go through them and look at the past activity, it seems like a mix of medical and fire/accident to me from other FD's as well. Maybe someone will clear up this confusion of if they are doing their job or not.
If the SFD does not go on these calls then who does, that is the part that confuses me, don't they have the ambulances?
How does this work in other simular sized cities?
I understand that you feel we need to know about wastefulness of our resources but I do not find this information very interesting...and I don't think you should give out the addresses of the persons needing help...getting a little too personal...just like we accuse our government of doing...sorry, just my opinion, otherwise I love your blog and visit often.
ReplyDeleteHey 9:18
ReplyDeleteI find this very interesting , it allows the tax payers to see the waste in this field.
The truth will set you free!
Salisbury will be the next Detroit.
This is just one department , can you imagine how much waste there is in this city with leaders like this.
It wouldn't surprise me to see a fire in the city to get reprieve.
I agree with the above commenter, a little too personal with the addresses.....at least erase the house number. Show people privacy in the event of emergencies.
ReplyDeleteanonymous 10:06, thank you for your comment. However, I disagree. Salisbury News is not publishing anything that the SFD didn't already make public. If we were to eliminate the address, someone would come along and say we altered the information. We provide ALL of the public information that each department provides. All SPD and WCSO information is also published in full and we change nothing.
ReplyDeleteHow many of these medical calls are actually paid by insurance? How many of these medical calls could be handled by places like "Your Doc's In"? How many of these medical call are not emergency?
ReplyDeleteI am a paid EMT and also a volunteer at two different FD and I can tell you we get many non life threatening calls by people who have no insurance and we end up not collecting a dime. In case you are unaware wages cannot be garnished when the person has no job, or only income is Social Security or Disability.
We get calls from relatives or friends of passed out druggies. The one responsible for the bill is the one passed out. "Passed Out" has no insurance, no job so you do not collect. Fire companies have to eat a lot of bills that are non collectable plus pay fees while trying to collect, before writing the bill off.
Your viewing audience should be blaming the public for abuse not the fire company. The loons on here would be the first to trash emergency personnel if we chose to look at each case to determine if it was a real emergency, and would the company be able to collect for the call, before we pulled out of the firehouse. Be careful what you wish for and be grateful for what you have.
Joe, I am the 10:06 commenter. I fully understand your explanation. However, I do wish that some of the public information these departments supply were not so personal. Sometimes, I wonder if we really need to know!? Anyway, thanks for all you do.
ReplyDeleteanonymous 10:00, it's comments like yours that make me want to throw up, seriously.
ReplyDeleteWho has BRAIN WASHED you int being such a fool as to start blaming the public for ANYTHING?
The leadership has trained your mind to believe that SOME of the people you pick up are good people and others are bad. It reminds me of Ireton making the statement, I see no color, BS.
The Fire Department has become discriminatory and even so much as profilers. If they live in the City, own a home OR pay rent, they are a taxpayer, period. To act as if some of these people are taking advantage of the very service their mortgage or rent is based around is cap.
The Mayor and Fire Chief are turning the SFD into a BUSINESS. This is why I love the Volunteer service. Guess what, Volunteers do not see color. They do their job because they want to SERVE the public. They Pay It Forward.
So when the taxpayers are paying out for whatever it is you do, get used to us TELLING you what we want or don't want, because YOU work for US.
So, (with all due respect) take that statement of your having to "eat" the bill or "writing it off" and shove it.
Were these calls between visits to the local buffet ??
ReplyDeleteNotice how QUIET the nay sayers are immediately following my last comment at 10:21. Good, I'm glad your finally seeing reality and the light.
ReplyDelete3 to 4 lbs chicken parts
1/2 Cup Cooking OIL
1 Cup vinegar
5 tsps. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 1/2 tsp. poultry seasoning
1 egg (well beaten)
Mix salt, pepper, poultry seasoning.
Add vinegar gradually. Add salad oil and egg. Baste chicken 5 to 10 minutes. cook approximately one hour.
This way nobody has to go out for chicken again...AND it is exactly the same!!! Delish!!!
There are people that abuse this system and it costs tax payers tons of money.. Just like government entitlements do.
ReplyDeleteJoe, If I read your post correct you feel it is ok to use this "service" without paying for it upfront (taxes) or afterwards (insurance).. but god forbid someone takes advantage of the food stamps or gov't assisted living or Obama phones.
You cant have it both ways...
Whether you choose to believe any explanation from the fire service members is irrelevant but the fact that not everyone that requests an ambulance pays for services rendered is very true and has been this way for many many years. Most volunteer ambulance services will bill "ONCE" and hope that the bill will be paid. If it doesn't then it is usually written off.
ReplyDeleteSince the City of Salisbury bills Wicomico County for EMS service for county residents in their fire district, It wouldn't surprise me that the engines run on medical calls on their own in order to boost their call volume to show the county they were "needed".
The City of Salisbury and Wicomico County Fire Service do have standard operating procedures set up with the 911 center to run both EMS and fire units automatically on auto accidents, auto accidents with entrapment, shooting, stabbings, industrial accidents and industrial accidents with entrapment and other types of rescue's. These procedures have been in place for the 30 years I have been involved with the fire service. This is an industry standard response setup.
In 2011, city and county fire departments started running fire engines on certain types of medical calls to enhance the safety of the patient(s) and assistance with patient care.
anonymous 12:16, yes, there are a lot of people who abuse the system. However, they abused it 10, 20, 30+ years ago as well. It's nothing new and municipalities have always set their taxes accordingly. The difference today is simple. You now have a Salisbury News out there that will call the SFD out. Do you ever see anything out there in such a way on WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times, no.
ReplyDeleteWe allow YOU the opportunity to agree or disagree. WE are the ONLY ones out there finally challenging the fact that the majority of calls are NOT in fact fire related. They are ambulance chasing calls and we have and will continue each day to prove that.
As far as how your reading me, each person living in Salisbury, (renter or property owner) PAYS TAXES. I don't care if it's in their rent or mortgage, they are paying taxes. Those taxes were set up to be able to afford to deliver this service at NO EXTRA COST and should operate as such.
This is NOT like it was years ago when the price of gasoline went through the roof and municipalities were coming back to the leadership saying they had to reevaluate the budget based on new expenses. Are you trying to suggest there are that many more people these days abusing the Fire Department services versus years ago?
Your question about food stamps and so forth makes no sense. Actually your question as a whole makes no sense. Do I support food stamps or Obama phones, hell no.
However, most Americans don't even realize WHY the cost of food has risen as much as it has, they're stupid. Let me explain.
The COS of food has RISEN through the roof because, (guess what) the government is paying for it. The people on food stamps don't care that they're buying name brand food at crazy inflated rates because it doesn't cost them anything. YOU and I pay for their inflated food prices and the manufacturers are running all the way to the bank.
Here's what I have recently learned in my travels around the east coast. When you go to areas OUTSIDE the Salisbury area, food is a LOT CHEAPER. Yes, even in Montgomery County. The reason, for starters there are a lot more grocery stores that compete with each other. Secondly, there are a lot less people on food stamps.
Salisbury is loaded with ebt cards and government assistance. So not only are WE paying for their food, were paying in many cases double for a product because the moochers don't give a crap that it's more expensive. Are you getting me now?
An example, (I'll do a post on this later) a large box of Captain Crunch in Salisbury is close to $5.00. Go elsewhere and that same box is only $2.00, it's TRUE. Smaller boxes of brand names in a WalMart in Virginia Beach are only $1.80 a box. Compare that to your Salisbury WalMart.
So I am NOT for these entitlements and it is destroying ALL of us, more so than you ever realized. Most of you don't go shopping elsewhere but start comparing with your friends around the country and you'll see I'm exactly right.
America is screwed, double time.
ReplyDeletePlease point me to a city government run EMS service that DOES NOT charge it's residents and visitors a fee for service and I wil gladly pull up anchor and move to that city with my health problems that I have. What you are proposing is illogical and not good business. If the city were to do anything worthwhile they could do what the City of San Francisco does for its citizens. The city provides redeemable tokens to the fire department to hand out to people that call for an ambulance that dont need to be transported by them to a hospital. This should cut way down on the abuse of EMS.
anonymous 1:38, I like it. You see, together we can come up with creative ideas/answers.
ReplyDeleteI believe there are reliable independent companies that an provide this service and GOVERENT should stay out of it.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteit was quite amusing to see one of your followers take a photo of the fire truck at Taylors on Wednesday. He refused to take a photo of the two SPD officers and One Wicomico County Sheriff who walked in at the same time. It was amusing because the tide was quickly turned when a firefighter took a photo of the followers dog locked in his car. With the temperature over 90 degrees his dog was left in his vehicle. When the firefighter went to alert the police officers of the matter he quickly ditched his lunch and drove away. Since you are an animal lover I thought you might enjoy the story.
July 26, 2013 at 9:03 AM
Why do I get the feeling this is a concocted story. A lie! How did the firemen just happened to know whose car it was.
Nice diversion tactic from a paid FARMIN!
When you watch the man who took the picture place the camera back in his car, that would be the mans car. No diversion needed. Just amusing to watch the Left Wing Radicals sweat when you catch them tripping over themselves. The man eats there regularly and everyone at Taylors knows what he's up to.
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering Mr. Paid EMT expert 1011 AM. Since you are so experienced and knowledgeable how come you aren't a Paramedic?
ReplyDeleteIf y'all would use your brains to actually go to officials of Salisbury and PRMC to air your complaints or ask questions, instead of making uneducated slanderous comments. you would see change.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf y'all would use your brains to actually go to officials of Salisbury and PRMC to air your complaints or ask questions, instead of making uneducated slanderous comments. you would see change.
July 28, 2013 at 8:22 AM
Thanks Jimmy
Kentland VFC 100% Volunteer 100% of the time!
ReplyDeleteThe Kentland Volunteer Fire Department is comprised of two firehouses, Company 33 and Company 46. It is two of 47 volunteer fire stations that comprise the Prince George’s County Fire Department (PGFD). Company 33, arguably the busiest volunteer engine, rescue and tower company in the Nation, is the department featured on this website. It is staffed solely by a dedicated group of volunteers 100% of the time, a surprising accomplishment in today’s society of decreased volunteerism.
Station 33 is located in Landover, Maryland, just outside of the District of Columbia, approximately 5 miles from the Capital in the county of Prince George’s. Our response area includes FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskin’s and Six Flags Amusement Park*. Major roadways such as the Capital Beltway (I-495) and MD Route 50 bring commuters to and from an area of industrial complexes, garden style apartments and single-family and duplex homes ranging from new construction to over 75 years in age.
Company 33 operates one class ‘A’ engine, a mini-pumper, a combination class ‘A’ engine / heavy rescue and a 75 foot Baker-AerialScope Tower Ladder. Volunteers respond to over 7,200 emergency incidents making it quite possibly the busiest one-hundred percent volunteer fire department in the world with combined apparatus responses of almost 13,000 per year. Kentland Company 33 has also held the title of the busiest engine company in Maryland, busiest Ladder company in PG, as well as the busiest volunteer engine company in the nation as seen in Firehouse Magazine’s Annual Run Survey.
The volunteers of Kentland are made up of over 50 individuals, with 15 to 20 living at the fire house. The average experience of the department is 12 years and many of the members are paid firefighters with departments in the metropolitan area such as the DCFD, Fairfax County FD and Montgomery County FD. Kentland prides itself in providing superior service to it’s community including aggressive interior attack firefighting.
*Six Flags Amusement Park is located outside of Co. 33 primary response area (first due) in Co. 43’s first due, both Engine Co. 33 and Tower 33 are primary response services (special service).
The Station
Kentland 33 is located at 7701 Landover Road in Landover, Maryland. The station has three double bays and two single bays where all fire apparatus is stored. Living accommodations include room for 25 live-in members, 17 of which are single person rooms. The firehouse also has all the normal necessities found in a home such as a TV room, two kitchens and 4 bathrooms. In addition there is a game/workout room and offices for both operational and administrative officers. On average 15 to 20 members live at the firehouse, something unique to metropolitan DC volunteer departments. Members living at the station trade off having no living expenses (Rent, phone, electric, etc.) for staffing during their free time.