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Sunday, July 28, 2013

More Low-Income Md. Children Receiving Afterschool Meals

A new report released Thursday by the Maryland Hunger Solutions reveals that afterschool meals are now reaching more than triple the amount of low-income Maryland children.

The report, Serving Maryland’s Children: The Afterschool Meal Program, reveals the meals are reaching more children than they did when the federally funded Afterschool Meal Program was first implemented in the state three years ago.

“Afterschool meals help combat both hunger and obesity, keep youth engaged in learning and involved in safe activities while their parents are working, increase participation and retention rates for afterschool programs, and bring considerable amounts of federal dollars to the state, which bolsters local economies, “ Michael J. Wilson, Director of Maryland Hunger Solutions, said.



  1. It sounds like the family planning classes did not work out as well as planned.At least the economic benefits offset the lack of parental responsibility and accountability.

  2. Not everybody is as perfect and wealthy as you are 9:37 AM.

  3. We already have welfare let the schools spend money on pencils.

  4. Just another bonus of the great Obama economy and the summer of recovery. Thank God we have such leaders as our current president and hair plugs Beiden. Two great leaders, NOT!!!!!

  5. If we are feeding them breakfast, lunch and now dinner at these schools why can't we decrease the amount of funds we give them on food stamps. The article states "It is promising to see such a significant increase in the number of children being reached by the Afterschool Meal Program." Why do they feel that people not being able to feed their own children promising?

  6. If we make this a "Nanny State" and feed them all meals then we can do away with food stamps. Just think...no more food stamps going for the wrong things....oh wait a minute....oh I forgot...there are now pet food stamps too. No voice of reason...no sanity left. I don't have the answers by any means but it seems like anything that makes sense just won't fly anymore.

  7. It's not so much that they can't afford to feed their kids, but they choose to feed them crap like ramen noodles and spend the rest on tats and cigarette. Absolute craziness.

  8. Maybe the next step will be orphanages.

  9. Deduct from food stamps money for any children who are fed by schools. If you have five kids and all five are getting free meals at schools, why should you get money for their meals? Makes no sense. Why aren't taxpayers tired of this kind of appeasement to those who are being paid to reproduce?

  10. Why need an after school meal most with free lunches are on food stamps. I understand that some of there parents aren't home to cook for them, but why can't they learn how to, or use a microwave to reheat.

  11. Even though as a society we spend much too much on programs like these, I would rather have them get good healthy meals than give the parents an EBT card so they can go to "Fat-Boys"...the kids will get proper nutrition and the parents can't buy inappropriate stuff!

  12. 9:10, we're doing both. We're giving the kids free meals and giving the parents food stamps as if the kids were not being fed at school. Why pay twice?

  13. Healthy meals for kids who are getting academic enrichment in an official after school program. Sounds like a good idea to me. Why are there so many here who would rather have these kids hungry and running the streets in the afternoon?

  14. 10:21pm Because it is not my job to raise someone else's children.


  16. 8:51,

    So you have absolutely no stake in the future of our society then? Don't plan to be around, or are you just a sociopath?

  17. What would Jesus do?

  18. What would jesus ..do?..first you woulnt be having kids you cant afford want or need...thats the rub..we are paying for unwanted..illegitimate..offspring from other unwanted illigetimate offspring...1984is here..nothing makes any sense..double speak

  19. what has not been put in place is a program / and / or teaching to get these people off of food stamps and welfare checks. This is truly sad. There needs to be limits on the length of time you receive food stamps. Did you know the public school system gives out over 50% free / reduce lunch, which then allows free after school care for those students paid by the tax payer's , they get homework help, snacks and meals, bus ride home and the Board of Education does not mandate the parents pay a small fee towards all of this

  20. They need to stay healthy and well fed at least until they go to prison.


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