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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Deadbeat Father Gets Reality Show

America's biggest deadbeat dad with 22 kids by 14 women to get his own reality show after boasting in viral video that 'ladies don't like me, they love me'

It comes after unemployed Orlando Shaw, 33, was filmed boasting outside a Nashville courthouse following a child support hearing.



  1. This doesn't surprise me , Trayvons parents are in this for the money also many others.

  2. Talk about profiling, racism and portraying African American males in a bad light for the rest of the world to see.
    I expect the Black Congressional Caucus and the NAACP to go berserk on this one.
    Or will they ignore this and continue feigning outrage on nonexistent issues?

  3. And this my friends is why America is full of complete morons. Sadly, he will probably get just as much stardom as Honey Boo Boo or Octomom. It is quite sickening.

  4. couldn't pay me to watch it.

  5. I hope every single penny he makes goes to support those poor children.

  6. Yes liberal America... aren't you proud of this? especially now to be aggrandized on TV!
    Such role models you have!
    (pardon me while I get sick..)

  7. He'll fit right in with the rest of the low life entertainer/politician's in the White House.

  8. I want to say how much I hate this country, but that's not right. I love this country, but hate the culture of this country. Seriously? There are two types of people who watch crap like this and Honey Boo Boo- people who live similar lifestyles and people who just watch to feel superior or just to see the freak show. At a time when the most beautiful things mankind has created are more accessible to all than ever through the internet, we choose to watch stuff like this. Western civilization deserves to fail at this rate.

  9. I find myself watching less tv and more hulu and youtube. tired of the same old recycled news weeks after it happened, controlled propaganda, reruns and all round general trash. I'm with 8:39. there is so much more out there, than the garbage they are spewing on tv.

  10. He could endorse the government subsidized school breakfast,lunch, and afterschool meal programs.And while we're on the subject,Zimmerman has been approached for 2 potential TV shows.One is a talk show.The other is a reality show.He and his brother both speak very well and appear to be quite intelligent.

  11. Why do we go out of our way to make these people famous??? Really people

  12. The BET has already given him an offer and Sharpton will be behind him.

  13. I absolutely believe the dumbing down of Americas was on purpose. Stupid people are easily controllable people. If you haven't cut off cable or satellite tv, remember that you are directly paying for this crap.

  14. 9:51- Because America has already spoken.The networks don't have to research and test the waters for a hit because they already have one.And for the record,these people of whom you speak are already famous.

  15. 7:03 No, they'll advertise on the show and make even more money off kicking down their black family.

  16. @ 10:55

    Nail right on the head. Don't blame anyone else but ourselves, the consumers. This wouldn't happen if the producers didn't think people would watch, and in turn the network could sell advertising.

    Blame supply & demand and the free market at work. Blame advertising and consumerism.

  17. why does this world continue to reward people for bad behavior?

  18. Why isn't this loser in jail for not paying child support?
    I'm tired of paying for people how thinks their entitled to receive working people's money!
    As long as we feed them and house them why would they go out and look for a job.
    STOP the free ride on the working man's paycheck!

  19. Considering the 73% illegitimate birth rate within the black community this may be a real reality show. Let the whole world see how they live is what I say.

  20. Take all the money from this stupid idea of a show and pay the child support and all the benefits his babies and baby mommas have received...and lock his butt up for not paying child support!!

  21. He was probably raised in a single parent/grandparent household with no male figurehead. No male role model other than all the sicko rapper that drill in to their heads to be killers, druggies, and such. Such a sad commentary of the largest part of the black community. I am so glad that Dr. Carson, Dr. Bill Cosby and others that have risen above the ghetto and have have tried to convey the message of better one's self, to stay in school, work to better self and community. It is such a shame that these men are ridiculed for wanting to see the youth of America to rise above the ashes, whatever their color.

  22. 8:02-I'll add Herman Cain and Col West to the list.
    These men are ridiculed because here is how it works.
    Democratic politicians and race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson are like the house slaves doing the biding of their masters the corporate executives.
    If these house slaves tried to convince the black population to stop having illegitimate children and show some responsibility with their lives the corporate executive slave masters would go crazy because they make 100's of billions of dollars by keeping the black community enslaved with things like food entitlements, obamaphones, etc. They profit hugely off of the crime within the black communities also.
    Blacks for the most part do not realize they are modern day slaves and show not even a hint of embarrassment by the way they are being used.
    It's a different mindset. They don't care they are being used in this fashion and that people are getting richer off of their irresponsibly and miserable lifestyles.


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