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Monday, July 15, 2013

On The Road


  1. very true, maybe we can get the lyer out of washington sometime soon.

  2. How true. The only thing obama excels at is lying.

  3. truth is always good...

  4. When these folks get their rear window shot out the first thing they'll want to do is call the cops.

  5. Someone please tell me one thing that he's done for the good of this country. It appears to me that since he's been in office more things ate now screwed up than ever before. And now to make matters worse he and his liberal media are causing greater division between American Citizens.

  6. I don't think so 11:40 because libtards hate guns.

  7. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 16, 2013 at 4:48 AM

    The original story goes like this:
    What's the difference between SIMBA & OBAMA?
    SIMBA is a word for Mighty African Lion.
    OBAMA is a word for Mighty Lying African.

  8. I can tell you a few things he has done! Made his wife dress like a celebrity, she spends more $ on clothing then a high paying executive earns a year,,,those girls are snobs and spoiled and spoiled brats..His wife spends more time profiling like a movie star on all the talk shows...she is ragging American children about school lunches , when they hardly get enough to eat at school now..( and she is nobodies skinny thing)..Maybe some of the money she blows should go to the poor childrens lunch funds instead of her expensive outfits and shoes...And her arms being bragged on ...PLEASE!!!!!!!! Get a life!!!!!

  9. Oh you mean the Stepford wife 8:19? All she does is what he commands her to do. He's trained her well and does it ever show! No self respecting decent woman would ever lie for him like she does. No self respecting decent woman especially one with 2 daughters would ever allow the father of those daughters to any way think it is okay for other men to call women hoes and the c word.
    All she is is a well trained good obeying slave to a man.

    All she did was sit there with a goofy look on her face the whole time during the campaign while he degraded women by only being concerned with their "parts" instead of their "smarts."
    She is nothing more than a shell dragged around by the nose by a controlling man who had a low opinion of women. Notice how every time he needs a "fall guy" it's a women that is blamed? He hates them and it could be due to him own mother being such a runaround and dumping him off on grandparents.

  10. Also, it was totally inappropriate for him to make any comments on the George Zimmerman verdict. That case was in the hands of the justice system, not the executive branch of government. In other words, butt out!!


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