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Monday, July 15, 2013

Obama Big Loser in Zimmerman Trial

Forget the over-zealous prosecutors and the repellent state attorney Angela Corey (who should be immediately disbarred or, my wife said sarcastically, elevated to director of Homeland Security) and even the unfortunate Trayvon Martin family (although it is certainly hard to forget them — they have our profound sympathies), the true loser at the Zimmerman trial was Barack Obama.

By injecting himself in a minor Florida criminal case by implying Martin could be his son, the president of the United States — a onetime law lecturer, of all things — disgraced himself and his office, made a mockery of our legal system and exacerbated racial tensions in our country, making them worse than they have been in years. This is the work of a reactionary, someone who consciously/unconsciously wants to push our nation back to the 1950s.



  1. What a joke. I completely disagree.

    The race-baiters (including Obama) can continue to keep the populace stirred up over this verdict. The media continues to promote the false narrative of a huge injustice. Not once on the news this weekend did I see a picture of the scrapping 6'2", hoodie wearing want to be thug, with a mouth full of gold teeth that confronted Zimmerman that night. Instead we are treated over and over to the photo of the sweet innocent little 14 year-old child Trayvon.

    All this serves to distract from Obama's numerous scandals, and gives him another crisis to exploit; "lets honor Trayvon with gun control".

  2. Mr. Simon. So,so true. Obama had no business being involved in this case. Did he get involved with any of the murders in Chicago this weekend?

  3. Obama just doesn't care. He did the same thing with the Harvard case when he called the cops stupid and followed that by saying the he didn't even know all the facts in the case. So how did he know the cops were stupid? They were not, Obama was wrong as usual. He is a disgrace to our country. He is the one we should be forcing out of office.

  4. This blog and it's followers continue to push us back to the 50's. So you don't like a black person with power and authority. It's obvious from the stories that are published on the website. No other president has met such disrespect than this 'black" president. No because he's a democrat but because he's black. Another white man with a father for a judge escapes justice. This is reminiscent of the 50's. Whites commit crimes and get away with it because this child's life didn't matter. A black men would have been arrested on the spot and questions asked later. But, then again the likelyhood a black man would have a judge for a father is slim. This could have been Obama's son, my son or any other black person. That child had a right to defend himself against a neighborhood vigilante who profiled an innocent kid walking home from the store with ice tea and skittles. He was not carrying a loaded gun. If that were my child...I guarantee you Mr. Zimmerman would not have been judged by 6, he would have been carried by 6.

  5. The only losers here are the American people who for whatever reason, keep feeding a media machine that manufactures outrage instead of factual stories. You keep harping on a small comment, intended to empathize with parents who lost a son (what a terrible thing to do), all the while missing where the pres. did not judge the situation but instead call for folks to wait for the investigation so that we can learn what really happened. Since when is that sensational? Oh I know, since partisan bickering became America's favorite pass time.

  6. It didn't take this for OweBlama to be considered a loser!

    Jimmy Carter jumps higher every day for joy in the fact he is no longer the worst president in this country's history!

  7. 12:28 LOL. Wrong on all accounts!
    1. He's half white.
    2. He's earned his disrespect.
    3.He's not a democrat, christian or presidential.
    4. Check your statistics on black on white Vs. white on black crime/murder. You will be surprised by your own stupidity.
    5. Black Judges in America actually exceed the proportionate population.
    14% of America is Black, 37 % of Judges are black.
    6. No one has a right to defend themselves when no one is assaulting them. It was Travon as the aggressor here. Neither was he "innocent" as you say. He was a stoned gang banger wanna be looking to kick some creepy a** cracker butt. He made a bad choice.

  8. 12:28. Obama is not disrespected because he is black or a Democrat. It's because he is in a job that is way over his head, and he is a racist. I gave read his books. Have you?

  9. 12:28-You are way too funny! obama's race has nothing to do with people's dislike of him. It's his incompetence. Name one thing he has ever done productive or successful in his life? He's not unlike other black "leaders" the black community hold in high regard. And what have these black "leaders" done for them? Not a thing. The black communities are a disgrace. ADMIT IT. The statistics on black crime and poverty among other social ill wills are through the roof. ADMIT IT.
    Then you have real black success stories like Col Allen West, Herman Cain and Dr Ben Carson and they are marginalized and made fun of by their own race. These men worked hard to bring them where they are today.
    I'm learning some very valuable lessons over all of this.
    A lotof black people are not only lazy but they are intensely jealous. They are too lazy to work hard like Col West and Dr Carson and Mr Cain did and when they hear of a successful black man they are jealous and instead of getting off their lazy butts they blame everyone else esp white people on why their lives are crap.

  10. 12:28-Obama being a democrat or black has nothing to do with why I don't like him. He's not in my class is why I don't like him. Any man (black/white/dem/rep) who takes campaign money from a man who publically called a woman the C word is beneath me. Also he has a friendship with Jay Z who refers to women as hoes and glorifies the gangsta lifestyle, violence and drugs in his music. Again below me. I don't run in those circles therefore I'm not going to tolerate this from Obama and anyone like him. I think he gross and vulgar. I don't like any person who is gross and vulgar.

  11. Did Obammy ever try a case or do anything as a lawyer except stir up racism just like he's doing as president?


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