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Monday, July 15, 2013

Dershowitz: 'Prosecutorial Tyrant' Violated Zimmerman's Rights

Famed defense lawyer and Harvard law professor Alan M. Dershowitz is calling for a federal investigation into civil rights violations stemming from the George Zimmerman case — but he says the probe should focus on prosecutorial misconduct rather than on allegations of racial profiling and bias.

Speaking Sunday in an exclusive Newsmax interview, Dershowitz said the jury’s finding that Zimmerman was not guilty of either second-degree murder or manslaughter was “the right verdict.”

He added, “There was reasonable doubt all over the place.”



  1. Dershowitz needs to let sleeping dogs lie.He just thinks he knows what actions should be taken.This needs to be dropped yesterday.

  2. I disagree 1:58. That woman state's attorney and the prosecutors should be brought up and sanctioned as an example to others in their positions to stick to their civic duties and not allow politics and special interest to dictate what goes on in the justice system.
    What they did was a classic example of unethical behavior. They by passed a grand jury knowing full well a grand jury wouldn't indict. They took the process out of the citizens hands and placed it in their own which is wrong. It's unprecedented what they did.

  3. Deshowitz is right esp in regard to the SA Corey. I hate that woman. She's a disgrace not worthy to lick dog crap off of Zimmerman's shoes. She gave up her honor and fell to the politics of all of this just so she could grandstand and show off. She needs to go to hell. Zimmerman's more of a stand up person than she's even been or will be. He talked hours and hours multiple times to law enforcement about the incident without a lawyer which he had a right to. He's didn't "lawyer up" as many are fond of saying. He told the truth from the beginning and the witnesses and forensics backed his story. God was with him and guided the jury. All the others have a special place in hell waiting on them. Remember the OJ lawyers-2 are dead and one's son died.

  4. I hope Dershowitz helps Zimmerman sue the crap out of NBC, Roseanne Barr, for trying to put out his address, and all involved in trying to hide evidence in the case, This is such a gross miscarriage that heads need to fall...and I would think the same if Zimmerman was black, pink, purple, man, woman or whatever other gender bender people come up with nowadays...right is right and wrong is wrong.


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