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Thursday, July 11, 2013

'Insider Threat' Program Reportedly Orders Feds To Spy On Each Other Using Sloppy Tactics

An "insider threat" program launched by the Obama administration two years ago requires federal employees to spy on each other using profiling techniques not proven to work, according to a new report.

Details about the program, first reported by McClatchy, have gradually been made public in recent weeks. It was apparently ordered in 2011 in the wake of security leaks by Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, and urges federal workers and contractors to look out for "high-risk" behavior -- and to report it.



  1. Its a sad fact that so many Americans are so anxious to please and to prove their loyalty and good "citizenship" that they will gladly and quite quickly inform on their friends and coworkers, reporting on what some faceless Nazi says is "suspicious" behavior. There's the rub in "if your're not doing anything wrong, don't worry" BS. YOU don't get to define whats "wrong". How many Chinese citizens were killed or imprisoned because their own family reported them to the "authorities"? Just think -- Thomas Jefferson and George Washington would SURELY be reported as "suspicious" and "high risk". Keep cheering, you dummies. You're next.

  2. Now the Communists (uh, democrats) that are employed by the Feds will begin to purge the ranks of non believers through the program. They will use power and influence just like the IRS did against the political opposition groups but now focused on the individual.
    The same is happening in the military. Obama is placing his loyalists in high command and "retiring" or eliminating any potential opposition or threat.
    Troubling times ahead folks.


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