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Thursday, July 11, 2013


The banksters crashed the global economy in 2008, wiping out more than $8 trillion in wealth. Instead of being prosecuted, they were bailed out. Now they are bigger than ever.

Our attorney general Eric “dick” Holder has publicly stated the big banks are to valuable to prosecute. It’s because the banks own our government. JPM makes billions off EBT and SNAP transactions. JPM is currently raping Afghanistan of natural resources with the aid of the pentagon (and one reason why this war will never end).

Goldman Sachs and JPM have their fingers in virtually every money making enterprise on the planet, as you will see. They launder money for the drug cartels, fraudulently foreclose on homes, and manipulate every market there is. They are evil beyond reckoning, and there is nobody to limit their power.

Banksters are the real terrorists, fleecing the public, perpetuating wars, and controlling financial markets. Bankster’s greed has allowed them to swallow up entire sectors of the economy. They must be stopped.



  1. how true. but how to stop them?

  2. Republicans fight every restriction attempt on these banks, constantly trying to water down regulations.

  3. What party was Dodd and Frank from?They did everything to enrich themselves from the same banks they were to regulate.How about Countrywide loans to Dodd?

  4. 12:45 That was a joke right? Wasn't it the republicans that said there was a problem with freddie and fannie and they were to laxed on their restrictions? They warned them there would be problems if they gave those zero money down mortgages. The democrats were all in favor of letting them get those loans. We see how that turned out.

  5. LOL!!! Some of you just can't stop thinking (and BELIEVING!) that its "democrats" or "republicans". You dummies. Its ALL of them. They are playing us like a fiddle and are so happy to hear you blame this party or that one. Then, you get caught up in what "your guy" is going to do to "change" this mess. Answer the question -- democrat or republican, has anything changed for the betterment of the middle-class or the country itself in the last 20 years? And lying to yourself (and the rest of us) is cheating.

  6. 5:11 Answer the question -- democrat or republican, has anything changed for the betterment of the middle-class or the country itself in the last 20 years?

    More like 30 years Reagan broke the middle class. He killed manufacturing in this country. Yeah, he broke the unions and you see how that worked out.


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