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Thursday, July 11, 2013

House Narrowly Passes Farm Bill After Republicans Carve Out Food Stamps

The House on Thursday narrowly passed a massive farm bill, after Republicans took the risky step of carving out the food stamp program -- a move Democrats effectively boycotted.

The bill passed on a 216-208 vote. Zero Democrats voted for it.

House Democrats spent most of the afternoon lambasting their Republican colleagues for dropping the food stamp component, making clear that House Speaker John Boehner would need to rely on Republicans only to pass the bill. After some marathon nose-counting, GOP leaders were able to minimize the number of Republican defectors -- just 12 Republicans voted against it on Thursday. 



  1. I am on food stamps. I want a full time job with benefits. There are none. It's not my fault. These jobs just don't exist. You can't fix broken.

  2. It's planned demise by a bunch of demons. Food stamps are out of control though. Twizzlers, chips, skittles, cash.

  3. Soup kitchens are open.

  4. food stamps don't belong in this bill. Somewhere in health ed & welfare but not in farm bill. Just like student loans don't belong in healthcare laws.... but theyre there.

  5. farmers need federal aid to feed us. epa needs to stay out of the way or we'll all be eating bugs for (new buzz word) sustenance.

  6. 9:17
    i am sorry you cannot find a full time jopb with benefits, maybe you should look to obamacare for your support. 105 million people in this country are recieving some sort of support, this is more people than are working. it is getting to the point that there will not be enough people working to support you. i suggest you go to your local food bank or church if you need food and get a part time job

  7. 8:13, If 9:17 takes a part time job and gets food at the food bank, and is lucky enough to pay his mortgage and utilities withe job $, He will still have to get his health insurance through Medicaid because a part time job won't pay enough for him to buy it. It may even pay him enough that he won't qualify for even that, and he will be without insurance the day he gets hurt and needs hospitalization.

    Either way, his medical bills will be YOUR burden. It's time to fix the economy so we can all fend for ourselves! He doesn't want to be where he is any more than you do!

  8. What is the GOP plan to get the middle class jobs?

  9. This is another example of why the government shouldn't be in business. If it was a good venture, the private sector would have paid for it out of their own pocket to reap the rewards.

    I have to laugh when O'Malley blames Erlich for Baltimore having to buy their way out of this private transfer of wealth. O'Malley rammed the project through and put his city up as collateral. He should own up to his mistake.


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