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Thursday, July 11, 2013

CARSON: Restoring Plain And Civil Speech To Politics

I retired this month after 40 years of medical endeavors. There is little that can compare to the joy of being able to intervene in the lives of fellow human beings and in the vast majority of cases, save or improve those lives.

For a long time, I thought that retirement would mean learning to play golf well, learning to play the organ and learning a variety of new languages. Maybe my second retirement will include those things, but as a physician, I could not walk away and forget about patients who were suffering, and by the same token, I cannot now embark upon a life of leisure and watch my beloved nation and fellow citizens suffer from many self-inflicted wounds.

I revel in the opportunity to discuss many of the important issues of today even though many detractors will continue to try to put me in a box and say that I can only comment on things relevant to the field of neurosurgery. They are fond of saying “the good doctor is a terrific medical practitioner, but he can’t possibly know anything about issues outside of medicine.” 



  1. Carson for President!

  2. One of the finest doctors that ever walked the halls of Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is a wonderful and caring person. What a a loss to Johns Hopkins and the rest of the world that could use his intelligence and skills.

  3. He so so well loved...until he.. GASP...dared spoke out against Obamacare, political correctness, etc. ,and showed he was not a "sheeple", he has been called the most horrible names by the libs...he is an amazing man-born to an illiterate mother, but refused to just be coddled and cared for cradle to grave as the govt would like to "care" for us all...he has my vote!

  4. Got my vote. Wouldn't it just be a crime to have someone with a vision and common sense. ....

  5. I like his soft spoken speech. He is a very smart man and i would like nothing better than to see him run. God Bless you Dr. Carson, President of the USA.

  6. Our state should be very proud and support him in whatever he does...even if it's politics

  7. I agree 6:15. Dr Carson is a man who lifted himself out of poverty and went on to be world renowned in is field.
    It's disgusting the way he is marginalized now and dismissed by those who would rather hold in esteem those who have made the African American communities nothing more than modern day slave quarters.
    All that we can do now is to throw our hands up and if they are content living in neighborhoods fraught with crime and poverty then that should be fine with the rest of us.

  8. The type of power mongerers that inhabit Washington have no use for a man of Carson's nature. Yet, we continue to vote for these people who are career politicians.


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