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Sunday, July 21, 2013

37th Annual J. M. Tawes Crab & Clam Bake

ALL YOU CAN EAT Steamed Crabs, Clams (Steamed, Raw Bar & Fried,) Fresh Fried Fish, Onion Rings, French-Fries, Corn on the Cob, Watermelon, Pepsi, beer & water. Tickets should be purchased in advance! $40.00 all-you-can-eat!

Call the Chamber - 410-968-2500

More Info 


  1. Nothing quite like eating outside in 100+ degree weather to kill a good meal. I think I'll have my crabcakes in my air conditioned house and then take my air conditioned nap. I love seafood, not heat, nor strangers.

  2. No use going there unless you are running for a political office. I hate seeing the wast. Oh, can I pay my way with my SNAP card.

  3. Redneck Mardi Gras

  4. Money people with special interests wanting something.

  5. I'm not sure why others would demean this event. Crisfield has developed a day when every citizen in Maryland can talk with or confront virtually every major politician. Throw in local seafood, a boom for their local businesses and it's hard to understand why any person on the lower shore wouldn't support this event.

  6. Was anyone surprised that it will be the hottest day of the year. Always is, they could have it in october and there would be a heat wave hit and it would be 90 degrees.

  7. Good Lord! Doesn't anything please your commenters on your site. This is a wonderful Eastern Shore Event where everyone has a great time & great food.

  8. Only people who don't work on Wednesdays get to go.

    Get the drift?

  9. I was thinking the same thing 5:55.
    We could have predicted a heat wave for this week.

  10. I have been on several occasions but the weather just isn't forgiving in that location. No breeze...just bake.

  11. It is a good event, but when you see the Politicians sneak through the back door, and the talk is crabs and politics, really? I attended with my family a few years ago, and it was not a family event. Sorry

  12. I will not be attending this year.

    After many years of visiting, quite frankly it's miserably hot.

    I'm not going to spend that kind of money to wait in lines on a 100 degree plus parking lot and call it entertaining or enjoyable.

    It's 68 degrees where I'm at today.

  13. eat in this heat? hope they have a good first aid station. you'd have to pay me ........at least $1000.00 to be out in this heat, listening to politics, and trying to eat.
    they do it every year. every year it's this hot. shows political ignorance we deal with.

  14. Joe, How will we know if any fireman attend or where they are going for lunch.

  15. just to let everyone know us fire fighters will be taking fire boat down to crisfield today for an inspection run we might need some one to drive it back round 6 00. meet us at the docks thank you

  16. Hi,I'm Earl Scheib and I'll paint that crab for 29.95


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