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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Today's Survey Question 6-25-13

Do you believe we should put illegal aliens on a path to citizenship before security procedures are fully in place?


  1. I believe they should be deported and apply legally like everyone else in the world.
    We can not continue to reward illegal behavior.

  2. I think that you have to work on both at the same time or neither will get done. If the path for citizenship is off the table, efforts to further secure the border will lose priority politically. If further securing the border is off the table, there will be no political support for citizenship. The only way to accomplish either is keep them tied together.


    Many of them are hard criminals and cop killers.

  4. Many of them are hard criminals and cop killers.

    June 25, 2013 at 11:43 AM

    What is a hard criminal? Someone who exercises?

  5. I'm with the first commenter. They broke the law; deport them, secure the border, then let each of them apply for citizenship according to the laws of the United States of America.
    Is this concept too difficult for anyone to understand?

  6. The name of this bill would more accurately be called "Illegal Immigration Reform"

  7. Absolutely not - if they are illegal, send them back to the country they came from. If someone is here illegal, why give them anything? Do it the right way or stay home in your own country.

  8. I say send them all back to their home country & make them stay there.

    We do not need imagrants anyway. Without them, more jobs for americans.

  9. NO and again I say NO!!!!!

  10. i think the best path for illegal imigrants is the path back to were they came from. if we started shooting them when they came across the border they would sooner or later stop coming.

  11. NO..(and the nays have it),11:24 clown.

  12. HE$$ no! Send them all back and make them do it legally.

  13. Round them up and send them back. The criminal illegals should be forced to build the fence on a chain gang, and then sent back.

  14. 2:38. Which particular job were you hoping to get that is currently being held by an immigrant? Just curious.

  15. Anonymous said...
    NO..(and the nays have it),11:24 clown.

    June 25, 2013 at 3:46 PM

    You lost any support you may have had as soon as you resorted to name calling.

    Sign of immaturity, and lack of intelligent debate.

  16. Thanks for the priviledge of being able to voice our opinions,but we the people don't really seem to matter any more.Based on the comments above,our government is acting adversely to the will of the people.Maybe we can change that in 3 years and 5 months (or so)


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