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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mayor Ireton Removes Your 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights: IF You Want To Keep Your Job, That Is!

The information you see below is just a small part of a new Internet policy set by your Mayor and City Council. It's been reported that it has been expanded to 2nd Amendment discussions on the Internet, even on your own personal computer at home. 

Contracts have been sent out to employees to be signed, several of which are currently seeking legal representation.

The language does NOT protect an employee using their personal name on a 2nd Amendment Site, (or Blog) all of which could lead to termination. Ireton could suggest that since you used your name, (even though you didn't SAY you worked for the City) it could lead to termination.

So what does this mean. It means that IF you use your name on lets say a Fire Department Post or a Public Works Post, you can easily get fired. 

We are awaiting an unsigned hard copy of the employee CONTRACT recently give out to City Employees.

Is Salisbury News considered one of the "hate groups"? I guess to the Mayor, it is. 

Is saying the Mayor is gay considered an "inappropriate message"?

Is saying something happened in the ladies room at MoJo's a "sexually harassing message"?

"An employee's comments on social media reflect on the employee as an individual and on the City of Salisbury as a whole". Yes, even if you do so from your home computer on your own personal time.


The Bigger Brother Question is, WHO IS GOING TO POLICE THIS POLICY and at WHO'S expense?

Unacceptable UsesA. The following constitute unacceptable uses of the equipment and the Internet made available to employees by the City of Salisbury and may subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment in accordance with the Employee Handbook:

Visiting inappropriate web sites( pornography, hate groups, etc.).
Unauthorized attempts to access any computer or network.
Sending or posting threatening, or otherwise inappropriate messages.
Sending or posting racially and/ or sexually harassing messages or images, sending or posting any sexually suggestive or explicit messages, or any other use in violation of the City of Salisbury policies regarding workplace harassment, discrimination, and/ or retaliation.

Social Networking: The Internet, blogs, the World Wide Web, social networking sites, and any other medium of electronic communication shall not be used in a manner that is detrimental to the mission and function of the City of Salisbury. The purpose for regulation in this area is to minimize risk to the City of Salisbury, its employees and its residents of slanderous or unprofessional content which impairs the public trust or could lead to legal claims. The purpose is not to restrict the flow of useful and appropriate information or the expression of free speech. The policy applies to all social media communications, even those made at home on a personal computer, as long as the communications pertain to the functioning of the City of Salisbury. An employee's comments on social media reflect on the employee as an individual and on the City of Salisbury as a whole. Before posting on social media, employees should consider how their comments would look on the front page of the newspaper. Using social media to gratuitously criticize the City of Salisbury, City officers or other employees, or the City's of Salisbury's services reflects poorly on the City of Salisbury and can lead to legal challenges.Employees of the City of Salisbury who utilize social networking sites, blogs, or other mediums of electronic communication in their off-duty time shall maintain an appropriate level of professionalism and conduct so as not to broadest in a manner which is detrimental to the mission and function of the City of Salisbury.

Employees shall not use referenced in these social networking sites or other mediums of communication that in any way represents them as employees of the City of Salisbury without prior approval. This shall include but not be limited to those items identified in section 6. 18. 2.

Employees shall not use a social networking site or other medium of Internet communication to post any materials of a sexually graphic nature which are detrimental to the mission or function of the City of Salisbury, or make sexually graphic comments.

GO HERE to read the full details. More to come Ladies & Gentlemen.


  1. What a crock! Employees should toss this "contract" right in the trash where it belongs. Along with these jobs (any job for that matter) comes criticism. These people who came up with this need to grow up, get out of the victim mentality and grow some skin. And their parents (and I know it was so called adults who came up with this) should be ashamed for raising children who grew into such "oh me the victim" wimps. If you are criticized you counteract it with accomplishments or if you are intelligent you learn from it.

  2. And you cannot make this kinda stuff up!
    Did anyone else read the the spew in the Daliy Lies....about the "city reorganization" ......LOL!! The policians need more government!

  3. I'm not surprised. Today's Democrats have thrown the U.S. Constitution out the window.




  6. How much did Mark Tilghman charge the city to write this crap?

  7. Their not liberal....it's a cover. They are authoritarians. Move to North Korea Jim Ireton... We have a constitution here girlfriend.

  8. Congratulations District 2--you are to blame for this complete facist city government, you had a chance to REALLY CHANGE the economic forecast for your city and instead you voted in the most narcissistic leftist liberals possible. All because the Daily Times told you so. You deserve what you get.

  9. Ireton will do anything to silence workers. That homosexual pansy doesn't understand the first part of being a mayor. Anyone can look on Wiki and find out that he is a homosexual or just looking at him makes people puke. These liberals are out to destroy what you do,say,eat, what kind of car you can drive. He should be ashamed of what he did at MoJo's. Stay on them Joe.

  10. wow. I can see wanting to limit access to that sort of thing using city owned computers or while one is supposedly working for the city, but on a private account? Note too, that some of the new commenting systems (like Discus) make it more difficult to be anonymous. It's absolutely an intimidation tactic.

  11. I could see a whistleblower being considered to "gratuitously criticize the City of Salisbury."

    Interesting that they acknowledge off-duty periods, but still insist that the employee do duties on behalf of the city. Can hourly employees then start billing the city for working 24 hours per day, policing themselves on social media sites? This would officially be a request from the city to do more work, in a pay system where employees only receive compensation when doing tasks officially requested by the City. I smell 5 days of overtime a week!


  12. Your at a job to work! Not play on the internet. Anybody caught on computer and not performing a job required task should be terminated immediately.

    1. 12:49 what about my lunch hour? Idiot.

  13. 12:08
    Wilber is the one that is crying the blues that he wont make all that money trying to defend this garbage!

  14. Only proves that they have something to hide. No one attempts to silence people unless they are paranoid and have something to hide. There is no gray area with this. If they feel lies are being told then they confront with the truth or their version. What they are doing is how the guilty handle things. It's called consciousness of guilt. Like for instance if the Mayor is bothered by the Mojo's allegations because they are not true, then he needs to come out and say it isn't true.

  15. What happened at MoJo's?

  16. "Anonymous said...

    Your at a job to work! Not play on the internet. Anybody caught on computer and not performing a job required task should be terminated immediately.

    June 24, 2013 at 12:49 PM"

    The resolutions says--- "The policy applies to all social media communications, even those made at home on a personal computer"----- that's the problem 12:49.

  17. Time for a UNION. For the most part I don't like unions but when your mayor is nuts what else is their to do.

  18. Well last time I checked MD had now termination laws which means, anyone in MD can be fired for anything the employer seems fit... Like if you're too fat he can fire you... If your hair is too long they can fire you... So why make policies that allow you to do something you already can do?

    Answer is: SO they can look like they actually did work and actually did something...

  19. Wow 12:49 I guess under your rules 1/2 of everybody that works in an office would be fired. I go to the internet at lunch time to get news and weather and whatever. I even go to news blogs, sometimes a little bit after lunch. WOOPS here comes the Internet nazis...gotta go!

  20. Sitting back watching from another county I can only say this is beyond stupidity on the part of those who came up with this. It's going to do nothing more than add fuel to the proverbial fire.


    Talk is Cheap... Where is your Action? thats right exactly where you left it, no where...

    SO SFTU you too are the problem... ALL OF YOU...

    YOU ALL VOTED FOR THIS MAN AGAIN, and if you didn't then there was fraud and guess what, you still haven't done anything so again I say, STFU until you bring ACTION...

  22. All I can say is catch me if you can....Liarton!

  23. This is a pretty standard internet usage policy. No news here.

  24. It's a shame that people were too cowardly to speak up about the sexual offense Ireton committed at Mojo's. If it were a common citizen they would have had the courage and the citizen would have served a prison sentence and his mug would be plastered on the sex offender registry website.

    How PATHETIC people are to cower against a gay bully of a mayor we have. I wish I would have witnessed it. Ireton doesn't scare me one bit and nobody in Salisbury should cower to that bullying pansy. Have some COURAGE people!

  25. Nobody will even speak up about the supposed incident at Mojo's on here. What exactly happened? Neither Joe nor anyone else has said.

  26. 1:17 They didn't vote because they don't live in the city limits.

  27. "Anonymous said...
    This is a pretty standard internet usage policy. No news here.

    June 24, 2013 at 1:31 PM"

    No it's not~Not even by anyone's stretch of the imagination.
    Standard employer internet usage policy provides employees with rules and guidelines about the appropriate use of employer equipment, network and internet access.

  28. 2:11
    It is alleged that he went into the girlie room to pee. Not sure about much beyond that

  29. All these liberals are control freaks. They do not want you to have any rights they want you to become dependent on living off government subsidies. They tax the pants off the hard working taxpayer. Homosexuals with their sick and perverted thoughts trying to push there ideas on us normal Americans. There is no way in heck a homosexual can be a christian. Low information voters and priple that didnt bother to get off their lazy butts to vote. At least Debbie and Joe were on the side of the tax payer. I thank god for Sbynews at least we get the story the other media dare not touch. Thanks Joe!

  30. 2:34 - Didn't he expose himself too?

  31. Salisbury, BOE, PRMC, town of Delmar...all appear to have dirty little secrets that they are trying to hide and your site makes that very hard to do.

  32. On company time yes on your own time no..a typical libtard response to damage control...shut the oposition up

  33. So how will they handle an incident in which John Q. Public decides to use the name of a city employee without actually knowing who the said employee is? Are they going to be able to subpoena the blog for the origin of the comment?

  34. Welcome to the United Gay States of socialist America.

  35. Just like Obama has continued many of Bush's policies after trashing them, Jim Beau is doing just what Barrie Tilghman did and then some. Recall how he bashed her in his first campaign?

  36. He is running scare and needs to have his feet kept to the fire.

  37. Jake the Fake Day will save us from all his BS -- just kidding, of course

  38. Fake Day won't save anyone from anything but his special interest groups that supported him!

  39. Imagine LIBERals limiting free speech and LIBERty.

  40. I hate to inform you that most governmental organizations have contracts such as these. When you work for the government, you are an actor of the state regardless of whether you are on duty. Read into some contract law on government, and you will find that this is completely legal.

  41. Oh! Oops! I'm scare. That's what they teach you in the work. Fear.

  42. It sounds as though the City of Salisbury employees now find themselves working for 'Adolph Hitler'.

    I knew his true colors were going to shine through sooner or latter.

  43. It sounds as though he is trying to censor any and all information coming through the City's various departments. Wow - talk about working under a tyranical regime - this beats all I have heard of.

  44. Well, this what we get when we elect a gay democrat. No moral values just an agenda to cover his gay perverted values, intentions and actions.

  45. If saying he is gay is an inappropriate message, does that mean BEING gay is inappropriate?

    I mean, if no one can SAY what HE IS, without being inappropriate, ....

    Someone explain the logic behind that.

  46. The devil(Obama) has many so called angels supporting him (Ireton). Ireton is just one of a long list of people tearing down the U.S.. They are afraid of Satan.

  47. So you can't use the city computer. People will just pick up their smart phones and do what they want. you cant stop them sissy boy.

  48. Okay people lets not lose focus on what important here... I am the leader of the City of Salisbury and Heading up the Boys Scouts in Salisbury soon. I am a teacher and a great role model for all. I do support Obama and love what Michelle Obama wears. I actually pick out her clothes for her its my part time job.

    I just think that my peeps should stay off the computer at work and focus on making me look good. Sticks an stones will break your bones. I mean gosh dont you all watch Modern Family?

    Anyway, I have been bullied so much in life now I am in charge, I just dont like it any more. The G word is just so labeling and mean. Why cant we just get along? If you want to contact me, please send nice messages to the mayors office. Joe please stop being a bully, or Ill pass a law and have my police department evict you from Salisbury.

    Thanks for your votes, we all know NWO is in place...

    Yours truly;

    Jim Ireton, Esquire
    #MAQOS "Mayor and Queen of Salisbury

  49. "Anonymous said...
    I hate to inform you that most governmental organizations have contracts such as these. When you work for the government, you are an actor of the state regardless of whether you are on duty. Read into some contract law on government, and you will find that this is completely legal.

    June 24, 2013 at 9:35 PM"

    Not true. Yes while the government can attempt to restrict all they want, that doesn't mean it will stand the Constitutionality test if challenged. Each and every statement made, has to be examined on a case by case basis and certain determinations have to be made.
    There has been many court (all levels) cases on this and many times it was found that the government employee's 1st Amendment right had been violated.

  50. Hey------9:35-WTH's "contract law on government?"

  51. Does anyone remember when that fire department employee was attacked and targeted by Barrie Tilghman for speaking out against raising taxes? He was a city resident and had the right to speak out against a tax increase.

  52. There is already a computer/IT policy in place for the city employees. All members of the fire department signed it and it has been in place for many years. Many fire department employees abuse the policy and get away with it including Rick Hoppes the fire chief.

  53. Hmmmm I wonder how many of you would still have a job if you went online using your real name and talked trash about the company you work for? I don't think a contract would help as much as a memo stating you will be fired for doing so but then again one would think a person would have enough common sence not to do it in the first place

  54. but then again one would think a person would have enough common sence not to do it in the first place

    June 25, 2013 at 5:38 PM

    what is common 'sence'?

  55. OK you Eastern Shore brainiacs this policy is different from practically every company, school or other institution's in the US... umm... how exactly?

    Oh that's right... it's not different! It's the same as the internet policy of practically every other large corporation and organization who fire people at will every day of the week for posting stuff on Facebook, Twitter, blogs etc. that references or reflects poorly on the company.

    This ignorance fighting educational moment was provided free of charge.

  56. Wow.. Your as biased as Fox News... No mention of the $280k Salisbury received

  57. 9:38 you are obviously a liberal moron!

  58. June 26, 2013 at 3:00 AM

    and has been ruled illegal several months ago. where have you been? looking for your shephard like a good little sheep?

  59. I am retired - He can kiss my rear where the sun does not shine.

  60. Rather then look at what may be creating a morale issue he creates some ridiculous contract to shut its employees up.


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