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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Steele Considers Run For Governor

Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele says he is considering running for governor in Maryland.

Steele, who also is a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, told MSNBC host Chuck Todd on Monday that "we're looking at it," when asked if he was weighing a run.

That word came the same day that a Republican entered the race and a Democrat announced his running mate. 



  1. You mean we have a chance for a real Governor.

  2. Good. Md needs a conservative Governor who has the history of our State. He has my vote if he decides to run for governor.

  3. Steele is a great Republican. Too bad he's more intelligent than 90% of those in power within the party.

  4. As a liberal Republican he really could be the answer. He could win and he could lead us in a more Republican direction.

    Another Chris Christie: as in a Republican in a very blue state.

    Power is about getting in the door.

  5. Please Reps.

    -- don't blow it by backing that buffoon.

  6. I very much wanted to like Steele. But his stint as chairman of the RNC was a disaster. Next please...

  7. I don't believe he has a chance. The only card that could possible get him elected would be playing the race card and that is just stooping too low.

  8. There is nothing conservative about him... I hope he does not split the vote in any way.. Please Go Home Michael.

  9. and our idiot mare is gonna be running mate for brown? Gadzooks! (in his dreams) get off your knees mr. mare & do something for a change.

  10. 1018-You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Under Steele, the GOP had the largest swing of seats in a mid-term election in generations. That's success by every measure.

  11. 739-The Dems have played the race card against Michael Steele going back to the early 2000's. A Baltimore Sun editorial said he brought nothing to the table but his skin color. Elected Democrats said he was an uncle tom and a token. Sounds like you're another racist, too bad in this "progressive" state, the first African American elected to statewide office was a Republican named Michael Steele. Shows what one GOP governor in 40 years can do for progress.


  12. 10:27 - I think we are on the same team. That said, I believe that our friend in the White House is to be credited with getting out the Repub vote during the midterm elections; much more so than M. Steele. As RNC chairman, Michael Steele was unable to keep his foot out of his mouth and the media ate him alive.


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