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Sunday, June 09, 2013


I just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not even a video greeting. Not a personalized letter to his classmates. Nothing. But worse, no one at our 30th reunion ever met him. The President of the United States is the ghost of Columbia University.

I’m certainly no “Johnny come lately.” For five years now (since 2007 when it became clear Barack Obama was running for President), I’ve been quoted in the media as saying that no one I’ve ever met at Columbia can remember ever meeting, or even seeing, our college classmate Barack Obama. Don’t you think the media should be asking questions? Isn’t this a very strange story?

Wayne Allyn Root joined us for the full hour on Tuesday’s BlazeCast with TheBlaze Editor-in-Chief Scott Baker:



  1. And his college records are sealed. Why. Just another cover up. How can you seal something that doesn't exist, and if so, what is there to hide? He couldn't have been a foreign student if he wasn't a student at all.

  2. Another of his scams; comes in as a foreign student, the taxpayers pay for his education, and he shafts all of America. The only thing that is factual about him is that he is a corrupt president and an unabashed liar in chief.

  3. He stands against everything America is about.
    His ideology is Radical Marxism.

    Oh, the fools that believe his lies.

  4. 7:29 If every voter saw this man as you have accurately described him, he would be under indictment and impeached! Maby the truth about this fraud will eventually come out so that even the disbelivers will have no choice but to accept the fact.

  5. Anonymous said...
    He stands against everything America is about.
    His ideology is Radical Marxism.

    Oh, the fools that believe his lies.

    June 5, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    Don't forget his ideology is also Radical Muslim.

  6. 8:40 comment: Obama has charged for Fraud back in 2008 for falsifying his College Transcripts and was DISBARRED...

    for those low information voters: DAT MEAN HE NO PRACTICE LAW NO MORE

  7. Many in the tinfoil hat club here.

  8. Ha Ha 8:29!

    Address the facts about your scum bag fraud of a President instead of the tin foil hat club that is obviously right and always has been!

  9. Who even knows who he really is. He probably doesn't even know who his real father is-and neither does his sleazy run around mother-the first generation to multiply and dump them off with the grandparents.

  10. He probably doesn't even know who his real father is-and neither does his sleazy run around mother-the first generation to multiply and dump them off with the grandparents.

    June 6, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    Come on now, we don't need those kind of attacks on this bozo. His ship is sinking fast. There are enough real facts coming to light about this 'president' that personal attacks are not needed.

  11. I don't see the comment as a personal attack 11:42. If anything it goes to the root of the bozo's difficulties in not only telling the truth but his lifelong failures and his hatred of women. The spawn of sleazy run around mother's, who dump them off always end up with no morals nor ethics and we have the perfect example of how that manifests itself in the like of this bozo.

  12. 11:42 have you lost your mind. You know you are a liberal Democrat that voted for him and this is you type of distraction.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Many in the tinfoil hat club here.

    June 6, 2013 at 8:29 AM

    Alex did you forget to sign in with your pen name?


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