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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


In what he called a “Hannity exclusive,” Fox News host Sean Hannity brought on Senator Barack Obama to “debate” President Barack Obama on the issue of surveillance and civil liberties.

To be sure, the contrast between Obama’s past positions and the ones his administration has taken during his time in the White House is stark.



  1. That's too funny. Media Matters just put out a video of Sean Hannity doing exactly the same thing. Right or Left. They are all hypocrites.

  2. Bottom line. He's a liar, a Muslim, and has no clue of what he is doing. If I were a Democrat I sure as hell would not admit it.

  3. The defense that the current secret NSA/PRISM data collection plan can only target foreigners in foreign territory shouldn’t settle anything, even if it’s actually true, because that’s just a description of how the plan is currently being used, not how it might be used tomorrow or under the next presidential administration. And we have absolutely no way of knowing that the description of how the program operates is true anyway, because the oversight has been hidden from public view. We do know that a court ruling in 2011 determined that the U.S. government had engaged in unconstitutional behavior in its surveillance program, but the Department of Justice is trying to block Americans from seeing this court ruling and understanding what happened. We’re supposed to trust this oversight. We know they’ve broken the law once, but we don’t know what they did, what's stopping it from happening again, what harm was caused, and whether there was any sort of punishment or discipline


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