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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rampant INjustice


  1. One of the reasons they do not want people to be allowed to take guns to their job. They are very brave when they swoop down on unsuspecting people with a 8 to 1 ratio. How much more will you tolerate America?

  2. Told ya so,
    to all the people that laughed at me and told me I was nuts to suggest Obama is a Totalitarian Marxist with his secret past and shady flip flopped double forked tongue.
    This is exactly what happens in Communist China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and third world Republics all over the Globe.
    This is but part of the slow "progression" whereas soon certain groups of people will be occupying the Federal "camps" that have been established nationwide. (for disaster relief of course, yet they never use them for disasters, go figure))
    Use of Government paramilitary to
    intimidate and instill fear of death is the hallmark of a totalitarian Regime.
    Obama's Agencies have hired thousands of more obedient gunman, purchased weapons and enough ammo to shoot every American 60 times or more.
    They clearly are using that very power to intimidate, interfere, harass, falsely indict with sycophant charges, antagonize and suppress any and all opposition usually with no cause or minor justification. These people are now in charge of our health care? Obamacare federalized 1/6th of our economy in one fail swoop, another hallmark of a Marxist totalitarian regime, takeover of industry and economy to quash the free market.
    Unwarranted mass surveillance is another hallmark of a totalitarian regime.
    Now, they do it openly. The IRS was used pre-election to delay indefinitely hundreds of political opposition groups classifications which basically terminated their fund raising ability for that election cycle costing Hundreds of Millions of dollars which certainly had a major outcome on the re-election of Obama.
    These people are Democrats. They are socialists and Communists, they are Marxists, cheaters and criminals. They openly flaunt the law picking and choosing what to prosecute and what to let slide always in their favor. They openly flaunt the Constitution and the people. We wouldn't "need" these measures at all if they had managed immigration properly. They've welcomed the terrorists and sympathizers of Islam even though WE are their sworn enemies.
    We are witnessing the Fundamental transformation of America that 51% voted for. Barak Hussein Obama.
    America is on it's knees. The country weak, bankrupt morally and economically, divided and in turmoil with absolutely
    This is the Obama Regime legacy.

    Yours Truly,
    The Rabbit

  3. As soon as you register your gun, you will be on the hit list. Obama and O'Malley will simply just come and get them.

  4. You feel better now rabbit?

  5. Everyone should view this and take to heart what is happening in our country. Our rights are quickly disappearing and no one seems to care. Another five, maybe ten years the free United States of America will no longer exist.
    I am truly looking forward to the Rapture and my Heavenly home!


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