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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Senate Backs Border Amendment To Immigration Bill

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a $46 billion plan to increase federal law enforcement efforts at the U.S. border with Mexico, a move aimed at winning bipartisan passage this week of a comprehensive immigration bill.

The amendment approved by the Senate aims to double, to around 40,000, the number of U.S. agents patrolling the southwestern border, complete the construction of 700 miles of border fence and enable the purchase of high-tech surveillance and other equipment to detect illegal border crossings.

The Senate backed the border security amendment by a vote of 69-29, with 15 of 46 Republicans joining all 52 Democrats and two independents.

None of the top four Senate Republican leaders voted for the amendment, however, in a sign of continuing divisions within the party over immigration legislation that provides a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented residents.



  1. I am all for securing our borders don't get me wrong. What I want to know is how they keep finding money to fund everything they want to while the White House tours are still closed down. What is going on at the White House that they don't want people to see?

  2. 1:10 we are being punished by the great one. this hole thing is a sham anyway beccause #1 the border patrol cannot enforce the rules and #2 the director has the ability to stop construction of the fence if she deems so. just more waste and lies


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