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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

PETA Calling On Local Retirement Community To Set Caged Birds Free

For years, PETA has received complaints about conditions endured by finches locked in a small barren cage in a retirement community in Cockeysville.

Those at PETA said they have offered to relocate the birds caged in Broadmead to a more natural setting with room to fly freely, have fresh food, among other essentials.

Broadmead had also assured PETA in May that it would implement "ASAP" the basic animal welfare standards set forth by The Eden Alternative, according to PETA. 



  1. Funny how PETA is silent on all of the birds killed by wind turbines-including endangered Condors and Eagles. Funny how PETA is silent about the Islamic practice of "halal" slaughtering of livestock-inhumane and cruel. Funny how PETA is silent about the Islamic treatment of dogs--whom they abhor. PETA is sooooo funny.

  2. PETA kills thousands of animals a year. They have even been caught taking animals from shelters and abandoned animals from vets offices in the name if finding them homes when in truth they took them straight out to their van killed them and put them in a dumpster. PETA are big money makers as no one questions what they do. Their president is crazy. They need to be closed and their 501(c)3 as a non profit stripped from them.

  3. 1:43, PETA has called for an end to wind energy for the reason you stated. PETA members have also "occupied" proposed wind turbine construction sites in an attempt to halt construction.
    PETA have produced and distributed video's, literature on the Islamic practice of animal slaughter.

  4. Set the old folks free too!

  5. Broadmead should just flip the "bird" at PETA.

  6. PETA has not demonstrated against wind turbines or halal butchering in the United States, only the UK and Canada.

  7. PETA

  8. 6:35 PM
    I think this works better.


  9. 6:10 I don't know where, when or otherwise the places in which PETA has demonstrated. I was addressing the first comment which incorrectly said that PETA has been silent on certain issues.
    There are currently over 14,000 abandoned wind farms in the US. PETA has been instrumental in many of these closures and has compromised on several that now shut down for many months out of the year to protect migrating birds.

  10. who cares what the peta morons think or say.....bunch of idiots


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