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Sunday, June 09, 2013


When the UK Guardian reported on Wednesday that the Obama National Security Administration had been issued a blanket surveillance order allowing it to seize millions of Americans’ phone records, Obama defenders quickly assured Americans that the request seizures did not extend to the content of conversations. A new Washington Post report on Thursday, however, suggests that the Obama administration has the ability to do exactly that.

According to the Post, the National Security Agency and FBI are “tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading US Internet companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time.” The program is code-named PRISM, and was leaked to the newspaper by a “career intelligence offer” who said, “They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type.”



  1. Wake up America, When another country spots this WE better WAKE the HELL up.

  2. Way too late 2:14 , get your ammo ready , lock and load , the welfare and free loaders must go first. The public housing people next and on and on.

  3. Welcome to the Neo-Marxist Ideology of Obama.
    This is the Soviet Union of the past.

  4. 2:25 how much time have you spent in the Soviet Union?

  5. Actually quite a bit Alex. I lived there.
    You know nothing of life there. I do.
    I've lived it long enough to know Obama is a Marxist.

  6. Alex. I believe you are just plain stupid. Go take your medication.

  7. to alex, do you really believe I need to live in the soviet union to see what is was like. others born and raised there and then able to tell there story is good enough for me. what is your point with that empty statement?

  8. 3:49 you know nothing and if you indeed lived there you wouldn't be talking nonsense

  9. The point is that I was born there and lived there for half of my life and reading your comments comparing this country to USSR is just amusing.

  10. In all seriousness, this is the "fundamental transformation of America" Obama had everyone believing in.
    Chicago Marxist style corruption, use of multiple Government agencies to delay, surveil, harass, intimidate, accuse, arrest and imprison political opponents with armed swat raids, agents, bureaucrats, etc... under the ruse of fighting terrorism.
    You'd think we're living in Orwells 1984. (because we are)
    Not to mention what exactly they have done with the data mined as it relates to the election. They, being the Obama campaign readily admits they used the information to target voters. They know when you are home, what you watch on TV, what you eat, who you call, when, etc... all compiled through algorithms analyzed to fine tune delivery and timing of political ads for use to advance their agenda.
    Half the American public is so unaware they didn't even know they were brainwashed.
    Welcome to the new
    "Amerikan Union of States".

  11. So, Alex admits he is a Communist!
    Go figure.

    1. Now if he would just admit he is Chuck Cook.

  12. While ago while I was on another site a message flashed on my computer screen that read "quit picking your nose".Made a believer out of me.

  13. A gift from Bush/Cheney to every future president.

  14. Alex,

    How old are you? Are you old enough to remember life under the Soviet government?

  15. 8:49, no. From his past comments on here, he's in his early twenties.

  16. Unfortunately old enough to remember. With my father being Jewish, we also experienced a heavy dose of antisemitism. So yes, i can put things in perspective.

    Also old enough to understand that when comments are made comparing anything here to USSR, those comments lack any sense. You folks have no idea how good you have it here with this Muslim, communist, Marxist, Kenyan, ( insert any other term here) president. Or even how good you and I had it here with Bush or any other president for that matter.

  17. Unfortunately, Alex is correct on how good we have it here. I have never been to Russia (USSR), but I have been to places where OUR poor would be considered middle class to them.

    This country wastes so many things. Food, freedom, liberty, rights, etc.

    It's no wonder other people want to come here to live, and to kill us.


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