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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Funny Interview With Father Of 22 Children By 14 Women


  1. Send him to jail for 1 Year for every child he is Not paying child support and tie the tubes of the women that had his kids.

  2. The same WOMEN complaining about him are the SAME women Laughing in the Background...ALL about the $$$$$$$$$

  3. What a shame we the people can't decide who gets abducted by aliens.This guy could be transplanted from earth to an empty planet and populate it in record time.

  4. There's our tax dollars hard at work! What a POS!

  5. They call him Chawn Outlaw!

  6. You wanna play you pay

  7. i didn't see anything funny about this clip

  8. Instead of play'n the hell out of the lottery he should be pay'n the hell on child support.

  9. Lets guess another uneducated man who does not care to know and use birth control

  10. Hell be a right but the kids wont what a joke

  11. Wouldn't even waste my time watching this!! He is a disgrace and we the taxpayers are paying for those kids!!

  12. this is scarey and sad


  14. This is not at all funny. He is a low rent black man that needs to be put in jail for no child support. Did they ask him who he voted for.

  15. Ha ha ha. It is hilarious too read you white folks pissed off comments about black people. Joe u got em worked up with this one. I saw it earlier but i waited until the comments started before i actually stopped to this post. I was ready to see how pissed you bush voters would b. Gets em everytime. Lol u guys are pathetic. Waisting your life worrying about the black man. Too typical.

  16. For some, their only accomplishment in life is making a baby; forgetting about raising, caring and planning for the child's life.

  17. 4:54 You are the one who is pathetic.
    What do you think-that these children are growing up in suburbia in homes with picket fences and flower gardens? NO-They are living in the cess pool of crime, poverty and neglect.
    It's people like YOU who are a major contributor to child abuse and neglect. Instead of chastising where it belongs, in your so self righteousness, choose to chastise those who care about the lives of children.
    So go climb back in your hole and please if you haven't already-KEEP YOUR PANTS UP and do not reproduce. The last thing the country needs is more people like you who lack such common decency that they think this is perfectly okay.

  18. 6:28....way to smack that ace down!

  19. 4:54-At least someone is "worrying about the black man" because it's quite obvious that other blacks do not care one bit about the lives of children. It's not white children who are being murdered in record numbers on inner city streets by black thugs is it? It's not the white race whose young males are killing each other in record numbers is it?
    These 22 children are not going to grow up in a stable home in any sense of the meaning. They will all amount to nothing more than either a number within the prison system or a murder victim statistic.
    Your attitude is not only pathetic but it's sad that you care so little for children.

  20. This guy should volunteer to be a target on the m60 range , I would do him in , in a heart beat.


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