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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Obama Cuts 12 US Army Brigades, Leaving Soldiers Unemployed

Despite still being involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama is moving ahead with plans to cut our armed forces by twelve brigades of soldiers, cutting forces from 45 brigades to 33. Obama wants to cut the size of our forces by 80,000 troops.

Obama plans to eliminate troops at 10 Army bases by 2017, quite despite world affairs. With China rising, a nuclear armed North Korea, terrorists still active, and no telling what other situations the country will find, Obama has already slated two brigades in Germany for elimination.

Several bases will be hardest hit. Bases such as Fort Knox, Kentucky. CBS reported that other bases will also be hit.



  1. Can't the American people see what is happening? We must find a way to stop this Muslim.

  2. Well, no need to use them at the Mexican border; we all know that's secure. Nope, we're good, no need for military, we now have NSA, Homeland Security, and drones. All kissing BO's arse. Those military laid off are coordially invited to organize a proper militia in different parts of the country for our future protection from the above

  3. Of course he would. map

  4. so now i can go rob ft knox? cool

  5. Ft Knox. The abrahms tank base.how convienentto close the base that had the best ground fighting capabilities in the Muslim world of sand and dispare.

  6. maybe they can go to work at the IRS since they must hire thousands for Obama-care

  7. This is not by any means a bad thing. The US is drawing down from fighting two wars, the truth is this is good management. The military does not need all of these personel in peace time.

  8. Ft. Knox?
    LOL! Nothing left there to guard!

  9. Why is anyone complaining about this? Don't all you conservatives want smaller government and less spending? Well here you go.

  10. True we do want smaller government and less spending. I say we start eliminating assistance to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation welfare recipients first.


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