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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Muslim Scholar Tied To Pro-Hamas Group, Radical Cleric Visits White House

A Muslim scholar whose group supports Hamas, who has urged the U.N. to criminalize blasphemy and who is the deputy of an Egyptian cleric banned from the U.S. over his radical statements was able to secure a visit at the White House earlier this month.

A report from The Investigative Project on Terrorism uncovered a statement on the website of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah claiming he met June 13 with Obama administration officials in Washington.

Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group founded by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi -- a Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called for the death of Jews and Americans and himself is banned from visiting the U.S. 



  1. Americans can't tour the White House but this pro muslim scholar can go visit? Nice, real nice. That just tells me one more time what Obama is.

  2. wHY IS THIS BEING allowed?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. If "himself" is banned from the U.S., how did this visit to our White Haus happen?

  4. Because a lot of Americans were morons to elect this person to the office of anything 10:39.

  5. Birds of a feather flock together. Two muslim "scholars" should have a lot to talk about.

  6. 6 years ago he wouldn't have gained security clearance to enter the White House.... and neither would Obama. Sad nation that we have electing communist muslims to the White House. Bunch of retarded idiots in this Country.


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