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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Milder Temperatures Mean Lower Electric Bills This Summer

With milder weather forecast for June, July and August, the U.S. Energy Information Administration is predicting that Americans will be paying less for electricity this summer than last year. But don't start celebrating yet. The savings will be only $10 on average, enough for a few ice cream cones or cold beers. The average homeowner will still pay $395 to keep the lights on and air conditioning running. To cut costs, follow these tips from our experts.

Switch lightbulbs. CFLs and LEDs use about 75 percent less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and generate about 75 percent less heat per bulb. They also last much, much longer. Each EnergyStar qualified CFL can save you about $6 a year in electrical costs and can pay for itself in savings in a couple of months according to our lightbulb tests. LEDs cost more, but each bulb can save more than $100 in energy costs over its lifetime.



  1. $395! I barely pay that in the middle of the winter to keep the house warm with electric baseboard heat. 1,600 sqft.

    1. Bet you've got a nice new flashy "Smart Meter" on your house. The only smart part is how bad it hurts when they calculate how much they're going to steal from you this month. You can write the power company a letter, claiming invasion of privacy (it can tell when you watch tv, cook or bath by the amount of electricity you consume) or other excuses to get your old meter back on your house. This new meter calculates peak usage at peak user cost during that time period, the old meter is a one size fits all, they can't screw you as bad. You lose, they win with "not so smart for you" meters. My electric bills this winter were the worst ever, by far. How do you think they determine pot growing houses, smart meters are big government intruding in your every minute life. Google smart meters.

  2. Since we are talking about electric. Has anyone else gotten a nasty letter from Delmarva power saying you are using to much electric? It basically states you are using more than your neighbors...blah blah blah....Most of my neighbors are single! They don't have 4 people living in a house. I have done everything I can to save electric and they are still moaning about it. Delmarva power sucks!

  3. Actually it does not. If temps stay moderate Delmarva Power will explain that revenues are down so they will need a rate hike to make up the losses to the stockholders. So then a request is made to the Public Service Commission for a rate increase and it will be approved. That commission was appointed by O'Malley.

    1. Most likely of we ask for an increase..its not approved..

  4. Dang, how's Global Warming Al gonna take this? I'm worried for his mental health.

    Oh, Snap! He doesn't have any!

  5. Is that $395 total for A/C season, or per month? And is that just the A/C bill, or the whole bill? Smoke and mirrors to me. I'm thinking 424 has the larger point!

  6. 5:39 you should be worried about your mental health

  7. Alex said...
    5:39 you should be worried about your mental health

    June 17, 2013 at 8:02 PM

    Everyone does when you show up.

  8. 6:21 P.M. Only intelligent comment to this article. Orwell here we come.

  9. If I can afford those "new" bulbs, I can afford my electric bill. I can't...either!


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