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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Md. Sees Surge In Applications To Buy Guns Ahead Of Law

WASHINGTON - Gun purchase applications in Maryland have reached record highs ahead of the new gun control law that will take effect in October and the surge in gun sales is creating a massive backlog.

Usually, the state completes background checks on gun buyers in a week or less.

But, The Baltimore Sun reports the Maryland State Police have received more applications so far this year than they did all year in 2008.

Now the delay on background checks stretches into ten weeks, overwhelming the background check system.



  1. They're doing it to themselves. We should be able to have a quick check on our record, and walk out with the firearm(s) we choose. The states that do this have significantly less crime. But, MD needs crime, so they can still be "needed" by the "people".

  2. buy a 3d printer and make your own, that no one but you will know about.

  3. 9:42. If you have planned ahead a few years ago, you would have one now that only you and your family knows about. The Government will not try to come and take something from you that they don't know you have.

  4. March 1 purchase........May 29 pick up. Anyone who buys now, it will be September before you get it.

  5. I'm on week 12 of my 7 day waiting period.

  6. Anonymous said...
    9:42. If you have planned ahead a few years ago, you would have one now that only you and your family knows about. The Government will not try to come and take something from you that they don't know you have.

    June 10, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    How do you, or anyone else, know I don't?

  7. 11:45 That was the point. It's nobodies business if I own a gun and what kind it is. But, if you have one that is registered it's public information.

  8. 12:12 PM

    Ok. I'm on same page now.

  9. Maryland is in VIOLATION or their own laws and noone presses the issue? This is a prime example of the police state! There is no excuse for the Nazi State police holding out on a HANDGUN purchase other than to say Look we can control you!Nomalley is tickled sh--less this is all happening this is all a calculated move on the governments part and we all set here and let them do it. Marylanders had better wake up and start doing something about this before its too late!!!!!!!!

  10. A class action mandamus law suit would force the hand of the state to have this behavior addressed in court. A good, patriotic attorney needs to step up and file the necessary paperwork.

  11. . A good, patriotic attorney needs to step up and file the necessary paperwork.
    June 10, 2013 at 8:16 PM

    And IF one is ever found, please publish his or her name. They would have more business than they could handle.


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