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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Delmar Inundated With Crime In Recent Months

The Delmar Police have been inundated with crime sprees over the past few months. The heroine drugs that are filling the streets here on the Eastern Shore has been just unbelievable. Hence the massive crime sprees.

Delmar has had an incredible volume of vehicles broken into, windows smashed or shot out and get this, last night someone tried to break into Eric, (the Barber) Ludwig's home. Eric confronted the intruder and the guy threw a brick at Eric. Eric then chased him and called the Police.

Delmar's K-9 Unit was brought in and the Dog tracked his scent and ultimately caught the burglar.

Something needs to be done in Delmar though. I have been receiving e-mail messages from concerned citizens in the know who are well aware of the drug problem. Hopefully the Mayor and Chief of Police can do more to get control of this situation. At least one of those criminals is in custody but don't think for a second they are anywhere close to making the taxpayers more secure. 

More to come on Delmar...


  1. No surprise. Heroin is everywhere. It's worse than crack ever was. Delmar ain't ready for this. My car got broken into two weeks ago and they are breaking into peoples houses and they still only got one cop on at a time.

  2. Looks like a good effort is being put towards inforcement thanks to the dome or police department Godspeed to them

  3. Does delmar have a high amount of rentals?

  4. Maybe it is time to turn the entire municipal police depts. over to the county.

  5. Delmar has two mayors. Don't count on Delaware for anything. They police had a program in place to reduce speeding and accidents on rt 13 in Delmar. To spite the police, the Delaware council determined that the program was no longer needed and put a stop to it. Apparently, they are more interested in filling their coffers than the providing safety for the citizens of Delmar.

  6. its probaly the best they can do. they dont get paid no money and there aint enough of them. the chiefs been there for at least 40 years. its like the andy griffin show.

  7. The Chief of police has been turning a blind eye forever. Things didn't just get bad yesterday.

  8. Delmar? No way! They have like the best schools around.

  9. This is not the fault of the police dept or the chief. They are simply not allowed the resources or the man power they need to do all that is needed. The problem starts at a much higher level than at the police dept, the town is feeling the crunch like many of us out here and just don't have the money needed to grow as fast as the demand. As I have always been told (to do a job right you need the right tools for the job).

  10. Delmar has their own Trayvon Martins that roam the streets.
    Of course they are not guilty of anything , it's called profiling.

  11. Shouldn't this have been expected with prescription drug crackdowns? There aren't many ways to help those people, why not turn to heroin?

  12. We dont have the responsibility of helping them. They have a responsibility to help themselves. If one of them breaks into my house I have an alarm system. Called bulldogs. I will probably be so nervous about the situation it could take quite a few minutes before I remember to call the cops.

  13. 12:25 that dont mean that the problem will stop. They got two mayors and two councils. One for each of the states. I hear tell the Mayor and commissioners for Maryland want to put a cop in the high school but the Mayor and commissioner for Delaware keep saying no. One commissioner in Delaware wants to make the police department smaller! He must be crazy! Joe talks about moving to Delaware all the time. I'm probably going to think about moving to Maryland.

  14. anonymous 7:45, Understand something here. I own a home in Delmar, DE. However, I am miles away from Town limits. In fact, there's a whole lot more of Delmar DE OUTSIDE the Town limits than there is in the Town limits.

    This Post says "More to come" because, (believe me) there's a whole lote more to share in the very near future. However, I will say the following...

    The Mayor of Delmar, DE. is putting a major hurting on Police protection. He, (and the Council) are refusing to fun most everything and quite frankly they lied to the citizens with funding collected from Police Officers giving out tickets on the Delaware side.

    They may THINK I'm sitting on the outside ignoring what's going on in Delmar but trust me, when I do open the dam it will be so bad they will hide for weeks.

    I have been asked to hold off for just a little longer and out of respect for the person who asked, I will do so. So stay tuned.

  15. Just keep pissing people off Albero, keep it up.....

  16. Maryland is always being held back by money. Not their money, but Delaware's. Quite frankly it is getting quite tiresome knowing that I pay a whole bunch of taxes for stuff and still can't get it because we have to bow to the Delaware mayor and council.

  17. I've been living in Delmar (technically the town, but physically "outside").for ten years and I've seen things start to go downhill in the past two. There are quite a few households in town where the whole family are druggies/criminals or enablers. I think they may attract others...but I don't really know what the tipping point is.

  18. I lived in Delmar for most of my life until recently.I love the town.There are too many exit strategies when it comes to committing a crime.It's not like Salisbury.The alleys in Delmar are still in place.Residential properties have filled in the alleys in Salisbury.Streets in SBY have been closed permanently,which to my knowledge has not happened in Delmar.The ability to leave the scene of a crime in Delmar is therefore much easier.In other words,to no fault of the citizens,the town is designed for criminal activity.Escape is easy.

    1. The fire department has asked for those alleys to remain open, many of the streets are too narrow for emergency vehicles. Many of the streets were built when most homes had none or maybe 1 vehicle, if the homeowners could add driveways maybe less cars parked on the street would allow travel for fire and ems and the alleys could be closed.

  19. I think most of the comments above are correct about the Delaware council, they are living in the past and the conditions of thier side of town shows it. The mayor of Delmar Delaware is a slum lord that rents out Mobile Homes in a Trashy trailer park so I guess the eye sores in Delmar De. is upscale to him, sad that the residents of Delmar De will not step up and get rid of that whole bunch. I understand when Maryland council backs them in a corner they get up and walk out of meetings and thats what is heading up Delmar De.

    On the flip side, I have spoken to Mayor Anderton, Deputy Mayor Wells, Luffman and Gibb and they are working to increase police protection on the Maryland side of Town Paid for by Delmar Md. The Maryland side has seen the problems and are working to fix it,Delmar De councilman Alan Littleton told me and I quote "drugs has been here since the 70's it aint hurt a thing!" So I guess in short, Delmar Md are increasing patrols, Delaware is pulling police off the street, How do they sleep at night.

    Iam proud of the Delmar Md council they are doing a great job with what they have to work with.

    Delmar Delaware council, you all are a embarrassment to you council, your town and to yourself, anybody who puts a price tag on the safty of the community does not be councilmen Step down give the duty to someone who can do it.

  20. anonymous 8:23, Do you actually think your scaring me? REALLY?

    This is the problem with small town politics. They think they're like a mini Mafia who can hide behind anonymous and use words to scare people.

    You just wait and see Mr. Anonymous. In due time SBYNews will expose several things going on locally.

    Let me say this. Did ANY of you actually think that when the SBY Police and WCSO put a hurting on drugs in SBY that it wouldn't filter out to surrounding Towns????? I told you LONG ago that this is exactly what would happen. Your local newspaper and media aren't alowed to express that sort of OPINION. They're only allowed to tell you the facts of what's happened and NOT predict what the future might hold. How CONVENIENT for politicians.

    This is also why the government frowns so much on Blogs. We're exposing news and information the local media refuses to publish.

  21. Yes drugs have been in delmar since the 70's. the current staffing levels are fine for the town size. Most officers only handle one or two reports a week compares to 10-15 for Salisbury. The main problem is Saylor. He was a good chief when delmar was Mayberry I'm the 80's. Now you need a more proactive chief that will ALLOW the officers that want to work do work. Those old school officers like Remo, Bond, and Alexander have been in vacation on the job since they started. Time to take the gloves off and return the town back to its former glory. Clean house starting at the top. Sounds like we need another state trooper like Lewis or Leatherbury to come In and kick those officers in gear.

  22. The cops are too busy trying to make money off the Delaware traffic tickets on the highway. They don't like patrolling the town. It bores them. There were a few cops long time ago and all they did was patrol. Nothing ever happened when they worked. Think they got fired for not writing tickets.

  23. Don't fool yourself, the cops don't make any money off the tickets. Apparently, the town does.

  24. As I understand it, only the DE side benefits from the ticket revenues. Many DE towns use this as a way to avoid tax increases for their residents. I have heard that the DE council decided to end their program and immediately raised their taxes so now all the law abiding citizens have to pay more now. Thank you DE Mayor and Council for screwing us again! Time for a new guard. Perhaps you should learn from the MD side and start protecting us instead of constantly hurting us. It seems the bulk of the issues are on our side of the town but I guess you don't care about that. .

  25. I live in Delmar and have noticed the large groups of people walking the streets at night. They hang out at the park all hours of the night. I have also heard county covers most of the calls for Delmar because we do not have a staffing after dark. Maybe if the Delmar cops focused on something else besides speed traps they would slow down this activity. Does it really take two big belly cops to pull over one car with a group of teens in it?

  26. The reasons you see them in the office a lot is because they are doing reports. They have two or three different computer systems because they have to work in two different states. They can't do reports from cars becuase they would need two seperate computers in their cars. One for each state. Their jobs are twice as hard as the average cop. They are certified in 2 different states and go to 2 different academies. They have to know two different sets of laws. Two different court systems. Answer two different radios from two different states. All for $10,000 dollars less a year. Only thing that keeps them here is Delaware retirement.

  27. No staffing after dark? News to me!

  28. yeah 1:54 it might of kept them there till now but with Laurel police getting a big increase with their new collective bargaining contract and other police departments getting big raises 2 delmar cops are looking for jobs in other departments. They were hoping delaware delmar would keep its word but they lied to the cops. Maryland was ready to go ahead with it. Maryland really cares about it's people.

  29. You guys don't get it. When the prostitutes of Salisbury and didn't have a place to hang out, they began to hang out at the motels with no water in the swimming pool behind the Delmar Restaurant and the beer and wine store. The release inmates with there drugs followed. The same problems Salisbury experience before they torn down that infested motel on Rt. 13 has become Delmar's problem. The prostitutes came first.


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