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Sunday, June 16, 2013


Comedian Bill Cosby over the weekend penned an op-ed for the New York Post, in which he argues everyone should be more like Muslims.

Former Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) took exception to this characterization, issuing a blunt rebuttal to Cosby via his official Twitter account.

“Bill Cosby said we should [be] more like Muslims,” West wrote. “[You] mean honor killings, beheadings, suicide bombings? Hope [you're] kidding sir.”



  1. Muslims are very dedicated to their religion , this is why they will succeed.
    The bible says that in the last days , there will be a religion such as the muslims have , it will be wrong but they will conquer .
    The Christians are also dedicated but will turn the other cheek , so , the winner by TKO , muslims.

  2. 5:20 no i do not believe that christians will turn the other cheek it is about faith and jesus. there is nothing about honor killings, killing those who don't believe etc. in the bible. the problem is that there are too many people out there that want to water down and attack christians those true believers understand the book of revelations. it has nothing to do with turning a cheek

  3. West shows his buffoonery again. Everything Cosby pointed out in that essay was spot on and sounded like points that West would support. But West would rather jump on the muslims comment? Not to mention Cosby wasn't talking about jihadists in Afghanistan. He specifically was talking about the Black Muslim communities that are quite prominent in Cosby's home town of Philly. Sit down West; your 5 min.'s are over. You could have had more but instead of going after the issues in a constructive manner, you chose the buffoonery, hyperbole, brashness, and arrogance that plays well on tv, but does nothing to advance the American people.

  4. 8:19 Wow, buffoonery fits your comment exactly. The fact that you think that Cosby is correct shows your ignorance. Muslim men have no respect for their wives and daughters. They are allowed to abuse the females in their family as it suits them. And no I'm not talking about jihadists or extremists.

  5. 927 I see you enjoy painting in broad strokes. lol. Please, show us your evidence that supports your claim. And I'll assume that this evidence show that abuse occurs at a much higher rate in these households when compared to similar non-muslim households.

  6. 9:41 I am shocked that you are not aware of the oppression of Muslim women. It is easy to find information on this topic. Do an online search. My first example would be the herding of women like camel in Egypt. Look it up. The pictures speak volumes.

  7. 1134, reading is fundamental. Just as I already mentioned, Cosby specifically pointed out Black Muslim communities, as in those that are prominent in Philly. Unless you have something worth while to add other than, "oh I saw 'x' on the news, so most muslims must be like that", then sit down.

  8. You also show that just like West, you'll disregard the common sense stance Cosby has espoused here, just because he actually gave some praise to muslims.

  9. 12:08 Hey what was the name of the black muslim in england that chopped off the military officers head right in the middle of the street? Do you mean that kind of black muslim? Or do you mean the black muslims (panthers) who stood outside of the philadelphia elections trying to intimidate people? Clarify. Sorry you don't like examples that have been on the news. Seeing it on video might be too much for you to handle.

  10. 6-11-13

    Bill Cosby`s college degrees are ALL HONORARY. Do you really expect him to SAY ANYTHING SMART? This bears out the comparison of EARNED rather than GIVEN. Bob Aswell

  11. 206, no, I mean the thousands of black muslims that are busy working, running businesses, and leading their families all in the pursuit of the American dream every day. According to your logic, if your and old white dude, I should expect you to be trying to sexually assault the kids on my block.

    305, Bill used his talent and hard work to become a millionaire, then give more back to the community than you will ever dream of. Are you also saying that you don't support the common sense ideals of focusing on family values, ethics, and hard work to make one's way out of poverty? This was the gist of what he has been saying for quite some time.

    503, so are plenty of mormons. Whats your point?


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