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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Apostle Paul’s Writings Defend Homosexuals

Says World-Famous Cryptographer and Biblical Researcher
 Michael Wood, author of “Pauline Paradoxes Decoded”, says newly clarified meanings of key words used in Bible pave way for more churches to embrace homosexual members

MIAMI, Fla. -- For the past 10 years, cryptographer Michael Wood, designer of the unbreakable REDOC-II encryption system, has been using his decoding skills to help biblical scholars more accurately decipher the first-century meanings of words and symbols used by the New Testament authors. His most recent findings are convincing a growing number of biblical scholars and theologians that many of the actual messages contained in the New Testament on the subject of homosexuality are shockingly different from what has been previously thought.

“When his writings are properly translated, it’s clear that Apostle Paul not only did not condemn homosexuals, but he openlydefended them against the religious views of his day,” says Wood, who provides extensive documentation to support his findings in his book, “Pauline Paradoxes Decoded”, now in worldwide distribution.

The downloads section of Wood’s website (www.michaelwoodcrypto.com) contains a five-page analysis of Paul’s actual position on homosexuality, entitled “Apostle Paul Defends Homosexuals”. Wood also makes available a full excerpt of a crucial section of his book, entitled “Law and Pederasty”, which thoroughly documents that Paul used the Greek wordarsenokoitēs to exclude rapers of boys from God’s Kingdom, not homosexuals as conventional Bibles say.

“Michael Wood’s analysis of arsenokoitēs as concerning pederasty, rather than homosexuality, was convincing at the linguistic level,” says Dr. Chris Tilling of St. Mellitus College and author of “Paul’s Divine Christology”.

“Mr. Wood presents exhaustive evidence from first and second century documents, both Greek and Jewish, for the authentic, original meaning of arsenokoitēs,” says William Berg, Ph.D. in Classical Languages (Princeton University). “As it turns out,arsenokoitēs was understood as boy-raper, not just throughout antiquity, but through the time of Martin Luther and well into the modern age.”

Wood says there is only one reference to homosexuality in Paul’s letters, even though conventional bibles claim there are three. He says conventional bibles contain two passages which mistranslate the Greek word arsenokoitēs (1 Corinthians 6.9 and 1 Timothy 1.9). This leaves only one unequivocal reference to consensual adult same-sex acts, and Wood asserts he has found documentation that Paul’s only reference to homosexuals was written to defend them against the religious views of his day.

Wood’s findings regarding homosexuality comprise but one part of a much larger puzzle solved in “Pauline Paradoxes Decoded”. In this work, Wood analyzes all of Paul’s statements regarding law, not just the Jewish legal prohibition on homosexuality. Paul’s view of law has been one of the most puzzling and seemingly insolvable in Bible study, writes James Sanders, eminent Bible scholar and editor of Dead Sea Scrolls.

Wood claims to have found the first systematic synthesis of Paul’s statements on law and that the full resolution can be expressed in a single sentence.

The Rev. Colin Miller of Peter Maurin House is persuaded by Michael Wood’s one-sentence solution:

“I do think it solves the problems,” says Miller. “And mostly in the ways he says it does. This is incredible, and I am very grateful to him for it. After reading it, I went back and read through all the relevant portions of Paul’s letters, and I cannot find one place that remains contradictory in the strong sense. He’s done something truly remarkable.”

Wood says, “Scholarly confusion over Paul’s view of law has caused theologians to misperceive Paul’s view of the Jewish legal prohibition of homosexuality; the prohibition found in Leviticus. Many Christians today invoke Leviticus against homosexuals, yet this was the very passage that Paul openly defended homosexuals against.”


  1. This guy is a fake. His decoding skills can be persuaded by his homosexuality.

  2. 1:10, I agree. This article is almost laughable....

  3. Yep. This guy must be a fraud. If you read Dueteronomy, the bible is clear. Don't lie with a man as you would lie with a woman.

    OH yes! Also in Dueteronomy, don't eat shellfish or wear cloths of wool mixed with linen. Also abominations. I'm sure all the gay haters on the shore refrain from eating crabs and never mix their cloth.

  4. God's plan: pro-creation man with woman as adam and eve, never adam and steve. this man's ideas (and that's all they are) hold no water and certainly aren't "truth". there are many scriptures in the new testament that come against homosexuality. God also tells us that we can expect to see more and more of this perversion in the "end times".
    think about it. having sex with the same sex just isn't meant to be. must be awkward at best. having sex outside of marriage or having affairs inside marriage is wrong as well. this isn't God's plan for His creation. He wants all of us to love Him and follow Him through His Son Jesus. No one can make you do this. You must come to understand this for yourself. All have sinned and come short of what God wants us to do, but sin is sin no matter what it is. most Christians that really understand the love of God will not condemn the persons who sins and doesn't know His Son Jesus because at this point the spirit of man is just that, the spirit of man, not the Spirit of God. there is a huge difference. once you receive Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life your eyes will be open and you can finally see Gods Truth.
    again; this man is clueless and blind.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Yep. This guy must be a fraud. If you read Dueteronomy, the bible is clear. Don't lie with a man as you would lie with a woman.

    OH yes! Also in Dueteronomy, don't eat shellfish or wear cloths of wool mixed with linen. Also abominations. I'm sure all the gay haters on the shore refrain from eating crabs and never mix their cloth.

    June 27, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    Are you for or against gay marriage?

  6. We are allowed to hate that which is deviant, perverted and unnatural.
    Linen and wool are none of the above.
    Neither are crabs.

  7. jesus also abolished the old testament eating rituals. ALL were abolished. so take that crap and chunk it.

  8. Let me get my popcorn ready...

    Worry about your own yard, stop peaking over the fence. You'll be stronger.

    If you believe it's a "sin" because your book told you so, good. You don't have to participate, but you should also keep your nose out of it. People cry that government shouldn't get involved in "religion". Yet, "religion" sure likes to poke it's nose in on government. Tisk

  9. 5:03 You might not see at as a sin but you have to admit the thought of two men having sex is probably the most disgusting thing you can imagine.

  10. Deuteronomy is irrelevant as Christ set us free from the law. That being said, I find it very hard to believe that Paul defended homosexuality; mistranslations or no.

  11. You truly have to be extremely well educated to be this stupid.

  12. 7:50 The same can be said about some of the women out walking around here.

    But, you're right, it's not my cup of tea. But, it also doesn't affect me in any way. It doesn't affect how I live my life, how I love my wife, how I raise my children... no way whatsoever.

    People spend too much time criticizing their neighbors garden, when they turn around, they realize theirs is dead.


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