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Sunday, June 23, 2013

1: Team Arpaio: We Have Two 1961 Hawaii Birth Certificates


  1. Obama is so great he has 2 birth certificates. Why are Americans so stupid as to elect this piece of crap to the office of president?

  2. God bless Joe Arpaio--but even if Obama announced to the world he was not a US Citizen and was not legally POTUS nothing would happen. The Senate and House would hastily draw up a bill and it would pass unanimously to allow him to stay. The Republic no longer exists-it is only a ruling class, welfare class and working class now .

  3. Not this crap again. It DOES NOT MATTER where Obama was born. His mother was a legal US Citizen; therefore, she could have given birth on Mars and Obama would still be a US Citizen at birth.

  4. 5:57 You are wrong. Read the law on qualifications for the President. In point of fact, there is a brilliant full moon tonight, why don't you go out and bark at it.

  5. 6:26PM You are wrong:

    The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." But even this does not get specific enough. As usual, the Constitution provides the framework for the law, but it is the law that fills in the gaps. The Constitution authorizes the Congress to do create clarifying legislation in Section 5 of the 14th Amendment; the Constitution, in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4, also allows the Congress to create law regarding naturalization, which includes citizenship.

    Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in the gaps left by the Constitution. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"

    *Anyone born inside the United States (1)

    *Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (2)

    So, Barack is a "Natural Born Citizen" if:

    (1) He truely was born in Hawaii in 1961 (Hawaii became a State in 1959 before you try to argue that) - it wouldn't matter who his parents were.

    (2) His father was a Legal Alien (foreign student) - but his Mother was a US Citizen and had live 5 years in the US prior to Baracks birth. From 1955-1959 in Seattle, WA and from 1960 until Barack's birth in 1961.

    So even if you prove he wasn't born in Hawaii, it wouldn't matter, because there is no disputing his mother was a US Citizen.

    Barack Obama maybe the least qualified man to be President ever, but he does meet the qualifications.

    This birther stuff does nothing but to make his opponents look like idiots. Stick to the legitimate complaints about him.

  6. In the late 60's Barry Soetoro was a
    muslim citizen of Indonesia.
    Does anyone have any proof his citizenship was ever changed or documented to be American?
    All we have seen is the declaration of Indonesian citizenship.

  7. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 22, 2013 at 4:09 AM

    7:33 thats all great. Now can you explain to us how Barry got his Foreign Student Schoolarship at Columbia, please, enlighten us.

  8. 733, okay, but what if he was born in Indonesia or any other country, and his mother signed him up as a citizen of THAT country at birth? Does that not make him NOT a U.S. Citizen?
    Hence the need to see a BC.

  9. You are all wrong.None of you know what the hell you are talking about.Just kidding.

  10. If we follow the point above from 7:33’s comment about the laws in place at the time of his birth and stipulate some facts here is the problem:

    If his mother was not married and John Doe is the father (no paternity listed), no problem; he’s a citizen and illegitimate; not his fault.

    But the storyline is different. Since his mother was underage (not yet 18) and supposedly married to an alien (Kenyan, when Kenya was still a British colony) our laws at the time provided that the child would have the father’s citizenship > British-Kenyan. I have not seen any subsequent change in our laws that retroactively changed those provisions. Therefore not a US citizen of any sort.

    I have not seen anyone proffer a copy of the parent’s marriage license or that it was registered. There later was an apparent divorce. Afterwards the mother re-married (married) an Indonesian and the boy was enrolled in school there as an Indonesian citizen.

    No record has been proffered where he renounced the Indonesian citizenship and acquired/reacquired US citizenship of any sort.

    Those are the facts.

  11. Ok 7:33. So if he was an American how did he receive funding for college as a foreign student? That being the case he should be charged with fraud and given 2 weeks in the electric chair.

  12. (I'm 7:33) 12:54pm, you actually are asking a question I've always asked! j (i'm no fan of Obama, just think the birthplace issue is bogus)

    I've always said the birthers have it BACKWARDS. Obama is a US Citizen, and legitimately eligible to run for President.

    However, the REAL SCANDAL is he fraudulently enrolled as a foreign student and illegally received student aid. He should have come clean long ago, admitted he was wrong and paid back the money with interest.

    It would then be up to the people to decide if they wanted a fraud as President.

  13. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 22, 2013 at 5:36 PM

    Yes, this is correct. And Clintons knew about it during the Democratic primaries in 2008 but didn't expose any of this, instead they made the deal to get Hillary seat as Secretary of the State, same as Joe Biden made a deal to be a VP. And many more other "highly connected" democrats. Why would any of them try to "Rock the Boat" now? They like it the way it is and they like their high paid jobs. Why would they care?


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