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Friday, May 10, 2013

Wicomico Selects Transfer Station Site

SALISBURY -- Despite some misgivings about potential traffic and noise problems, Wicomico officials last week voted to approve the acquisition of roughly 23 acres near Fruitland for a new solid waste transfer station for the county.

The Wicomico County Council last week approved the purchase of a 23-acre-plus tract along Allen Rd. near Fruitland for just over $150,000 for a new solid waste transfer station. The council approved the purchase after considerable debate about the potential truck traffic in and out of the future facility, the safety along the access roads and the potential impacts on residents in the community.

The Allen Rd. site, referred to as the Banks property, was chosen from a short list of two final candidates for the future home of the transfer station. It was largely considered the best option of the two remaining sites on the list because of the width and quality of the access roads leading into the facility. Wicomico Director of Administration Wayne Strausburg said the two sites were comparable in terms of size and visibility from the roadway, making the condition of the access roads the tipping point, so to speak.



  1. How about publishing a map of the property location for all to see?

  2. So the county has now bought another parcel in Fruitland.

    Where was Rick Pollitt a town Manager for 22 years? Fruitland. Where is the new Bennett school going? Fruitland. Where is the new transfer station? Fruitland.

    Who will be the next Fruitland area land owner to benefit from Rick Pollitt?

  3. People live there...too close by. What are they thinking?

  4. Wallchart land deal? I hate to be suspicious, but same BS, different day. It just does make you wonder. Allen is a beautiful community...a landfill, really?


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