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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Release 5-18-13

Brandi Martia Warr of Severn Maryland, arrested 5-8-13 for driving without a license, driving on a suspended drivers license, failure to stop at a stop sign, and failing to display a driver’s license. Warr was released on signature pending court actions.

Deondre Lamont Brown of Crisfield, arrested 5-9-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Brown was held on a $1,000 bond.

Corey Eugene Fontaine Jr. of Crisfield, arrested 5-10-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Fontaine was later released after posting bond.

Abygail Dorethea Horner of Princess Anne, and Cheyenne November Patton of Pocomoke, arrested 5-10-13 for possession of suspected marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and underage possession of alcohol. Both parties were released on a criminal citation pending court actions. The arrest was the result of an investigation where deputies were called to the Somerset County Intermediate School regarding students entering the school smelling like burnt marijuana. An inspection of Horner’s vehicle by school staff was conducted, and deputies recovered a suspected marijuana pipe, and a bottle of liquor.

Shelby Dawn Frost of Crisfield, arrested 5-11-13 for possession of suspected marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Frost was released on a criminal citation pending court actions. The arrest was the result of deputies investigating a truck parked in the former Riggin’s Market lot. Deputies smelled a strong odor of suspected marijuana from inside the truck. Deputies later recovered two suspected marijuana blunts under frost’s leg.

Elton Wesley Cottman of Princess Anne, arrested 5-12-13 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol,  negligent driving, loud music from a vehicle, speeding, and improper turn at an intersection. Cottman was released on citations pending court actions. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies on Somerset Ave, Princess Anne.

James Lee Byers of Princess Anne, arrested 5-12-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Byers was held on a $500.00 bond.

Willie Lee Rogers of Westover, criminal summons served 5-13-13 for theft $1,000 to under $10,000. Rogers was released on signature pending court actions.

\Earvine Troy Lamonte Fields of Salisbury, arrested 5-13-13 for two warrants regarding failing to appear in court. Fields was held on a $1,000 bond.

Nina Marie Shores of Salisbury, arrested 5-15-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Shores was released after posting bond.

Taru Malik franklin of Crisfield, arrested 5-15-13 on a warrant for violation of probation. Franklin was held on a $50,000 bond.

Matthew Stephen Ruark of Pittsville, arrested 5-15-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Ruark was held on a $500.00 bond.

Josua Arthur Timmons of Princess Anne, criminal summons served for forgery of private documents, uttering false documents, and theft less than $1,000. Timmons was released on signature pending court actions.

Meron Tesfae Mulu of Princess Anne, arrested 5-16-13 on a warrant for disorderly conduct. Mulu was later released on personal recognizance pending court actions.

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