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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Berlin Planning Head Resigns After Ultimatum

BERLIN -- Berlin Planning Director Chuck Ward resigned Tuesday morning after being told he had a choice to make -- step down or he would be terminated.

"I resigned. My letter of resignation is on file in Town Hall," Ward said in a statement Thursday.

While Ward refused to go into detail over what transpired that led to him stepping down, Mayor Gee Williams was specific in an interview this week. He outlined the council’s reasons for seeking Ward’s resignation on Wednesday.

At the Mayor and Council meeting on Monday, concerned merchants converged on town hall to protest what they believed was a pending crackdown on sidewalk clutter, such as sandwich-style signs and tables and chairs. At an April Historic District Commission meeting, the topic of sidewalk accessibility was broached, and Ward was asked to evaluate the code and issue suggestions. The mere possibility of a crackdown on these items sparked concerns throughout the business community, and the Mayor and Council decided at Monday’s meeting to work toward amending the existing code and clarify exactly what is allowed and what is not.



  1. I hope like heck, Wicomico County won't hire him back. He was the most arrogant person and thought he was so much smarter than anyone else. His communication skills sucked and he never was concerned about the ramifications of his actions on the public, landowners and business community. Stay away Charles, Chuck,or Chuckie, whoever he applies as this time around.

  2. At least he won't require training if Wic Co does hire him back because he ALREADY KNOWS IT ALL.Get it?


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