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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Public Works Director Teresa Gardner Leaving Salisbury And Going To V-DOT

I'm not sure what makes City of Salisbury Employees happier at this very moment, the possibility of a 2% raise or Public Works Director Teresa Gardner leaving her position. 

During my campaign I assured City Employees one of the first things I'd do would be to terminate Mrs. Gardner's position immediately. Her reputation and actions mirrored that of a bully. Many employees came to me with unbelievable stories I came to learn were true. She has the mouth of a drunken sailor, I've been told multiple times.

Not only will Salisbury have the open position of the Public Works Director, they still haven't filled the Zoo Director position. I'm told the interim Director is not interested in the position and that the City has had several great interviews, hopefully that position will be filled soon.

Public Works is far more important though.  Here's the actual Press Release that wasn't supposed to go public yet.

I am pleased to announce that effective June 10, 2013, Teresa Gardner, P.E. will begin employment at VDOT as the Regional Traffic Engineer for NWRO. Teresa will be relocating to the Valley from Salisbury, MD where she most recently held the position of Director of Public Works for the City of Salisbury. Teresa has over 25 years of engineering experience in both the Public and Private sectors, including various positions with Delaware Department of Transportation. Her management, financial and traffic engineering background will be a great asset to our division. Teresa is a graduate of University of Delaware where she received a BSCE specializing in transportation. Teresa will be serving both the Culpeper and Staunton districts as the Regional Traffic Engineer. Her office will be in the Traffic Operations Center in Staunton. Please join me in welcoming Teresa to VDOT and to NWRO.

Matthew W. Shiley, P.E.
Regional Operations Director
VDOT Culpeper & Staunton Districts


  1. She will not be missed!

    1. As a public works employee myself and many others wish Ms.Gardner was still here. Many held jobs they had no idea. She fixed that. Never played favorites. Everybody was treated fairly. EVERYBODY. Not now. Who you know not what you know.

    2. She helped me out when I needed it. Don't know what all the negative talk is about. Two years ago I loved my job. Now, back to the way it was. Kiss my behind and get ahead. I miss ms Teresa.

  2. I wish I could be happy with this but find it hard to accept that she get's to go on her merry way. I have first hand knowledge of her abuse and she should have been sent packing long long ago. She destroyed so many good employee's I can't forgive the City for putting up with her. Some people will never fully recover from her abuse.

    1. First hand eh??? Fixed the waste water plant after you idiots payed millions for something that doesn't work. . GI JOHN, CHIPPY and Pick they did a great job for you.

    2. I forgot John Jacobs was the one who pushed that waste water plant to be built. I'm glad he's in VDOT!!!!

    3. Must be nice to spread all your lies anonymously . Not being held accountable. I will never forgive. PLEASE. You must have been one of the DRAMA QUEENS whow wasn't used to doing your job. QUESTION? ?? What people what abuses? ?? People wonder why we are the arm pit of the eastern shore. THE LYING LOW LIFE PEOPLE

  3. Hurray! Would love to see local guy Lee Beauchamp apply for the opening. Good riddance, Ms. Gardener.

  4. Too late, the county already hired Lee Beauchamp as PW Director. He will be a real asset!

  5. Wish we had Pete Cooper back.

  6. Wow, Virginia picking up our leftovers, what a desperate state.

    1. Yeah Johnny making 115,000 a year as well as Gardner. It seems you are the leftovers.

  7. Teresa drove away so many dedicated and talented city servants. Now who will run public works? Bahaha..........

    1. You got that backwards. You and many other city employees drove away so many dedicated and talented city servants.

  8. Has anyone noticed that when people leave the city for other employment, they tend to be much more happy and successful?

  9. Didn't GI Johnny Jacob go to VADOT too?

  10. Her 4th job in about 5 years?

    1. You mean 4 PW Directors in 5 years. The city of Salisbury must be a fabulous place to work. Only if your completely insane and inept.

  11. She is a terrible boss and a worse person.

    1. I guess you're one of many she made to earn your pay check. Surprise surprise you don't like that.

  12. I'm curious what her abuses were. Making lazy workers do their jobs?

    1. They get away with making statements anonymously with out being held accountable. It's obvious these are the ones that hide behind a keyboard. Typical Salisbury.

  13. Forced or voluntary???

  14. Now if we can get rid of Lore Chambers!

  15. If only Joe Arthur at the County would follow her lead...Not that anyone else would hire him with his complete lack of qualifications. They were considering bumping him up in public works but then realized the lawsuits that would ensue due to state professional regulations... So for now he can continue to suckle at the tit of the tax payers.

  16. 2:44 she curses and yells at staff routinely. I'm shocked that there has not been a lawsuit. Joe also ran an article where she placed a wastewater operations guy in charge of the water supply even though he had no credentials or training at all.

  17. she placed some people in positions with no qualifications and let a lot of quality people go.I can not believe the mayor would not take the word of employees when they complained. she changed job descriptions to suit her needs. had no vision for public works

  18. Not sure if you will print this but as being in a business that has to work with Teresa it has been a pleasure. Does not seem that many people commenting have worked with John Jacobs the biggest laziest obstructionest we have ever had. The one I really loved working with was Will Elliott god rest his soul. We need someone who has is approachable, business friendly and has common sense.

  19. She's butt ugly too!

  20. God help them at VDOT they are going to need it.

    1. And when the city is bankrupt we will need GOD as well.

  21. Good riddance. A pain to deal with, although she was certainly much more knowledgeable than many local public works employees (Joe Arthur comes to mind)

  22. The entire Public Works Department needs a complete overhaul. If the mayor was actually doing his job, he would have been on top of all the problems that happen in that happen however, he's asleep at the wheel again!

    If he is a shining example of a good teacher, God help the children he manders to. They will grow up to be as stupid as he is.

    Ireton needs to start doing his job and stop all the bulls--t.

  23. Lee Beachump is worse than Theresa Gardener....just wait county....I have worked with both of them. They would make a great couple.

  24. Lee was one of the better people to deal with when he worked at the City. He got things done and understood both the private and public issues. On the other hand Joe Arthur needs to be removed. I can only hope that Lee figures out how useless and under qualified Joe is and either demotes him to steet sweeeper or just cans him.

  25. I think Lee has a good head on his shoulders. He was a little green working with the City, but he has gone off and gotten some solid work experience. I think he will be a positive asset to the County. Glad he is back.

    1. Another so called genius. He was such a positive asset that he just got his walking papers. I wonder where his daddy will help this asset next.

  26. I thought that Lee has already been working for the county for quite some time....?

  27. Joe Arthur sure has made somebody mad......or jealous.

  28. I am sure there are a lot of people that are jealous of Joe Arthur. Unfortunately, these days there is generation that want something for nothing. They feel entitled. They want a job that will pay them big bucks to sit around and do nothing. They do not want to work hard and earn their wages. Joe is very fortunate to have "worked the goverment system" like some many others want to...

  29. I wonder if Teresa will get her VA professional engineer's license. She isn't licensed in MD, even though she was a PW director in Salisbury.

    AND, the City of Salisbury even paid for her license in Delaware!!!

    1. Come on John Jacobs. I wonder if you have a license with that botched water treatment plant. Any engineering student could see that it would not work.

  30. Licensing? Check with Joe Arthur to see if he is licensed....anywhere.

  31. Why would anyone want to be in a city with all you CRY BABY. Bunch of non educated in breed rednecks. Now I hear you have another non educated redneck as administrator. Yeah you people must be a real pleasure to be around.

  32. WOW. I would never come to Salisbury after listening to all the people complaining about their bosses. Sounds like the city worker's don't like to be held accountable or they don't know how to do their jobs.

  33. You people are completely missing it.


  34. Well Joseph I must agree. As an employee of the city. Between the mayor and the inmates who wants to be here??? I'm done very shortly.

  35. Say what you want about Gardner. All I know is she came here and successfully got the waste water plant working. Not to mention see helped litigation with Mr.Wilbur to get some of the millions John Jacobs spent on a water treatment plant that never worked while he was here.
    I wish I had seen this article before now and since it came out of VDOT I wonder who leaked it?? However we all know it was John Jacobs. Well Ms.Gardner cleaned up his mess here I guess she doing the same at VDOT.

    1. A woman in a man's world is hard enough and to have to deal with backstabbing like that. John Jacobs is probably doing the same to her at VDOT. HE would stab his own family if he thought it would help.

    2. I know people IN VDOT. I'll just make some calls to Hampton Roads and see what he's screwed up so far. He puts you in mind of Lee Beachump.

  36. Where was this uproar when GI JOHN NY ran to VDOT? ? Leaving us with a 70 million dollar non functional waste water plant. You people sure have your priorities upside-down, GEEsssh!!!!!

  37. Hahaha that's how he rolls


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