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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Pentagon Confirms May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith

The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”.

The statement, released to Fox News, follows a Breitbart News report on Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith.

(From our earlier report: Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and says Christians--including chaplains--sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of “treason,” and of committing an act of “spiritual rape” as serious a crime as “sexual assault.” He also asserted that Christians sharing their faith in the military are “enemies of the Constitution.”)




    1. There will be NO waking up of today's society of immorality, Satan's hand is all over this world at present, but Christians can comfort themselves, in the knowledge, that God, will not let it stand as it is. Evil and sin were destined for the pit of hell thousands of years ago by God himself. Those that stand with him, shall not fall, nor be dissuaded or tempted by the sins of mankind.

  2. This has to be a joke?

  3. This is so very wrong. Why should our soldiers be denied their legal right and liberty to have their christian faith? Apparantly, the government and our military which we pay taxes for don't mind ramming down our brave soldiers throats muslim religion. This government better wake up and FAST. It isn't the christians that are killing and blowing up our people, it's the muslims.

  4. No faith of any kind is exceptable. But, we encourage Do ask and do tell.

  5. This Weinstein idiot is just another one in a loooonnnngggg line of idiots. These folks have obviously never learned anything in their U.S. History classes. This country was founded on Biblican principles regardless of what anyone says.
    If a Bible believing Christian soldier is asked about his faith he has just as much right as a homosexual does in admitting his lifestyle. If one can share their opinion then the next person should be able to do the same.
    This country has lost its moral fiber. We are born with a sin nature, our faith and the loving nurturing of our parents to assist us in being the person we should be and our desire to be Christ-like also shows in our love for those around us and our country. Because we have lost our desire to be Christ-like we have seen our country head down a very nasty, sinful slope. It will take much prayer, and the LORD's forgivenss of this nations sinful ways. A mighty revival is needed to heal our country.
    I rest in the knowledge that upon my departure from this sinful world I will be in Heaven with my LORD and Saviour. This world is a place I am just passing through and for that I am extremely thankful!!

  6. I'm with you 7:24. But I don't believe there will be a mighty revival until He comes again. Every where you look today, sin is being not only tolerated, but celebrated. The ONE thing that is not being tolerated or celebrated is Christianity. They continue to take God out of everything. We have a whole generation of kids who cannot answer the most basic of bible questions. They know nothing of Christ nor do they want to know of Him. It is me, me, and me.

    And like you, I also rest in the knowledge of my departure from this sinful world and I thank my LORD and Savior that I shall reside with Him. He has gone to prepare a room for me, and if it were not true, He would not have said so.

  7. Keep your religion to yourself pretty simple.

  8. Yet their doing nothing to the Colonel who was shooting soldiers in a mess hall at Fort Hood, shouting “Praise Allah, Death to The American Dogs!”

  9. 8:41...
    Please read your/our history.
    We are a Judeo Christian based society.
    Yep.. "pretty simple" it is.

  10. 9:20 What in the world are you talking about? He's in prison and facing the death penalty.


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