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Sunday, May 05, 2013

O'Malley To Sign Medical Marijuana Bill

Gov. Martin O'Malley will sign legislation on Thursday legalizing medical marijuana in Maryland under limited circumstances.

O'Malley will sign a number of bills at a signing Thursday morning, including legislation to repeal the death penalty in Maryland. A list of the bills the governor will sign was made available online Wednesday.

Among those bills is House Bill 1101, which the General Assembly passed in April. Once law, it will create a commission through which academic medical research centers could apply to operate medical marijuana programs.



  1. Get ready for the increase in motor vehicle accidents.

  2. anonymous 9:07, with all due respect, that's just stupid.

    What the heck gave you that idea?

  3. I agree totally! People have been using that for years and years and to my knowledge it hasn't contributed to a motor vehicle accident. Sure if they were drinking and smoking pot then maybe but I believe its the alcohol not the mary jane!

  4. I certainly hope everyone is enjoying the "ride down the slippery slope"...
    By the way, for the low information voter and those who do not vote and are dependent upon government..can you say "gateway" ?

    1. Maybe you should blaze one up and chill.Gateway to what?Doritos and Taco Bell give me a break

  5. If alcohol is legal, there's no reason whatsoever marijuana shouldn't be. It's much less harmful and addictive than booze.

  6. I bet this enrages Mike Lewis. Busting people for pot is one of his favorite pastimes.

  7. He is just mad that he can't light one up anymore.

  8. It's not a full Medical Marijuana bill as other states have. Take a second look. Its really limited.

  9. Accidents caused by pot smokers?People who are high on pot drive like 10 miles an hour. lol. There might be an accident by someone rear ending them. They try to drive so careful that they are actually a pain in the butt.Dangerous? Hardly.


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