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Monday, May 06, 2013

Not As Many Federal Employees Took Retirement Claims Last Month

Not as many feds as expected filed retirement claims last month. Slightly more than 7,000 said goodbye to their agencies. That's 1,000 less than predicted by the Office of Personnel Management. The dip let OPM do damage to its backlog of retirement claims. It's down to 30,000 applications. While that's progress, OPM had expected to have fewer claims — about 23,000 by now. But a month ago, it looked like sequestration was doing a number on OPM's processing office. OPM had said it would cut call-center hours and suspend overtime of Retirement Services employees.


  1. Which in turn upsets the natural order of things.A big part of the unemployment problem arises when the retirement age people won't retire.It's like a clogged artery in the system.

  2. People just can't afford to retire. And, the Fed gov't isn't the only theater it's happening in, either.


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