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Monday, May 06, 2013

Colorado Has Embraced Good Government Syndrome – They Want Everybody To Vote

Both state houses just passed a major election law, which includes same-day registration, mandates mail-in ballots be automatically sent to every voter, and creates a statewide voter database to prevent fraud. Already, Colorado is one of three states that uses a universal vote-by-mail system, and voter turnout in those states typically exceeds the national average by more than five percentage points. Because same-day registration laws have been shown to boost turnout by as much as 14 points, Colorado could soon lead our nation in voter participation. Since the 2012 election, 31 states have introduced legislation to make it harder for people to vote, but not Colorado. They're streamlining the process, and making sure every voter in their state has a voice. Colorado lawmakers know that as voter participation goes up, the influence of the special interests goes down. Great Work - Now, let's make this a national policy.


  1. Sounds like next election there will be more voters than Colorado residents!

  2. This is what happens to a state that is overrun with liberals fleeing from California. The amount of Hispanics in Colorado is exploding .

  3. Maybe they need to publish the ads in English only.....

  4. Colorado frightens me. I won't be going there.., EVER.

  5. good government??? hmmmm. let's sign up all the felons, the illegals and as many low information voters as possible. go Colorado air heads.

  6. I want everybody to vote, too.

    But what is the good of people voting if they are uninformed?

    That is what brings about good government. Otherwise, you don't get much more than people reacting to a advertisement.


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