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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Must Have Been A Busy Weekend?

The park near Ben's Red Swings.


  1. People are nasty.

  2. I was there, and the Boy Scouts were cleaning up. When I was leaving three little black boys were entering with their bikes. I didn't think bikes were allowed in there? But yeah, there were a lot of people there.

    1. What does the fact that they were black have to do with anything?

    2. And what does 3 little blacks boys riding their bike in the park have to do with this picture of trash? Sounds like your trash..

  3. No security/enforcement.

  4. Trash leaving trash.

  5. The boys scouts cleaned up as they do every year. Pack 151 ROCKS!

  6. They shouldn't have too,We ALL know what trash is leaving the trash?

  7. The porta potties were also disgusting my grandchildren had to use them one was so bad you couldn't even use it feces everywhere even on outside of door the other one was also nasty and didn't look like it had been cleaned out for a couple of weeks I wish there was a decent restroom. With all the little children that go there its a health hazard!


  8. Come on people. Just have enough trash cans so one doesn`t overflow. Simple the zoo is busy on nice days. At least people take their children there rather than let them roam the streets.As far as boy scouts go its part of their teaching,

  9. Anonymous said...
    And what does 3 little blacks boys riding their bike in the park have to do with this picture of trash? Sounds like your trash..

    April 29, 2013 at 7:01 PM

    It was another point, added with the first point. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throw too much at you at one time.

    And for you and the other numbnuts on here, black is an adjective. It describes something. In this case, three boys.

    It would seem you go out of you way to make an issue of that, as well as calling people you have never seen, trash. It doesn't bother me since I know I am not trash. But it does give a peek at the types of 'people' you are and the character you possess.
    Or, should I say, lack of character.

    The trash was IN the trash can, and when it over-flowed, it was NEXT to the trash can. What more could any of you expect?

    You are just mean, judgemental people.

    I would say that would qualify as TRASH.

    Enjoy your miserable lives.

    1. Likewise 11:05. Enjoy!

    2. And people like you vote. Unbelievable.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Likewise 11:05. Enjoy!

    April 30, 2013 at 12:38 AM

    Witty comeback.

  11. I was there on Saturday and all the trash cans were overflowing and trash was everywhere. The Zoo workers weren't that busy when we were there and they closed at 4:30pm so you can't tell me someone couldn't have picked up or emptied the trash cans during the day. Why do the Boy Scouts have to pick up this trash anyway? I am sure they do rock but this is a City responsibility and is should have never been this nasty. This is a prime example of Salisbury in general. Most of the homes and streets look like this. And you wonder why no one wants to own a home in the City of Salisbury.

    I challenge Jake Day and Jim Ireton to explain to the citizens why our main destination for visitors was allowed to get in this condition. By the way it looks like this every day of the week and worse on weekends. I agree people are nasty, but the city has a responsibility to keep the city park clean and enforce and cite people for any laws broken. Maybe it is time to have Park Police to monitor the city park, the Zoo and all city owned parks. I would feel much safer taking my kids to these location if I knew Park Police were patrolling these areas.


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