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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Gov. O'Malley Announces Maryland/Israel Partnership

Gov. Martin O'Malley's office is announcing a new Maryland/Israel Development Partnership.

The governor announced the partnership on Sunday as the governor wraps up an eight-day trade mission to Israel and Jordan.

The governor's office say the partnership will fund joint development efforts by Maryland and Israeli companies in the cybersecurity and life sciences sectors.



  1. Don't know if this is "postable" or not, but my opinion is this is not good. It will attract more anti-Israeli activities to Maryland.

  2. Figures. This is going to cost us taxpayers more money funding projects in Israel up to $400,000 for each. Does this guy ever stop taxing and spending?

  3. 1:36 - he'll stop with term limits - but he might run for a higher office - then he'll only stop if we don't elect him...shame on us already!

  4. 1:33 The only thing that would stop those groups is if the entire state of Maryland turned muslim and lived by sharia law.

  5. The price tag for this will probably break what little MD has left....I promise you this!

  6. Every politician with national aspirations MUST court and win the Jewish vote. That is a fact. And THAT is what he is doing and to hell with the taxpayers. That is also a fact. Keep voting. Its GOT to work out sooner or later.....muhahahahahahha....

  7. 7:23, that is one of the oldest and stupidest political myths of all time. "The Jewish Vote" is tiny, microscopic. The far left hates Israel.

    It's far more likely that O'Malley is banking on Israeli companies' low rate of failure (unlike the Solyndras) and the Evangelical vote (which supports Israel heavily).

    With success with the Israelis, he can hope people don't remember what he did to Baltimore.

  8. He needs to fix the problems in the state before he brings new ones in.

  9. 10:13....I suppose one can be politically correct or politically aware. If the jewish vote is "tiny", "microscopic", and apparently inconsequential, why do all national stage politicians go out of their way to court them? Wasn't the Jewish vote in Florida a REALLY big deal to both parties in 2012? Why don't you google "importance of Jewish voters"? Don't try to say that all voting blocs have equal power and access. You should know they don't. Its not a bigoted or racial statement. Its truth. Which is, quite often, NOT politically correct. Google it and then come back and explain how you know so much more than all those editors, political experts, politicians, and political reporters. And, try, try, try, not to label ALL of them stupid or racist. It weakens your argument and reasoning. I'll wait....


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