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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Maryland To Start Ticketing For Cellphone Use While Driving

Study: Such laws affect accidents little

Marylanders soon will be ticketed for texting or talking on a mobile phone while driving under a new law, but studies show such crackdowns on phone use do little to prevent traffic accidents.

The new law means drivers who are emailing, texting or talking without a hands-free device can be pulled over and issued a $100 ticket just for using their phones. Currently, they have to be pulled over for committing a different offense to get a ticket for phone use.

Maryland will join nine other states and the District in having drivers pulled over for talking on their phones starting Oct. 1. Though studies show that while such bans lead to more tickets issued, they don't lead to a reduction in crashes.



  1. Gonna be funny seeing one cop ticket another!

  2. Just what I was thinking, 442. But they have a brotherhood. Now, if we, the people can report this to a third party by tag # or car #, like we should be able to do, there would be a LOT of violations!

  3. Would be nice 4:42 but you know that won't happen lol.

  4. Im sure their excluded.. your a sheep! now pull over.

  5. It's about damn time. I just want to know how they are going to do it. These drivers sure do have a lot of tricks concealing cellphone and laptop use while driving. These people are going to kill a lot of drivers.

  6. Your "representatives" (not the police) put this into effect. The police are merely their armed enforcers and get promotions and awards based on how well they "enforce" the law and collect money for the state. If they DON'T write a lot of tickets, then they get poor reviews, no pay increases, and get punished with the worst shifts and the worst patrol sections. That doesn't absolve them of their part in the scheme; just be clear about the real culprits. Politicians don't give a rats ace what the "studies" say, or what the statictics prove, or what their constituents want. Gun control laws are a prime example. Until you can funnel more cash (bribes) to your so-called "representatives" than the insurance companies and the trial lawyers, you'll just be a target instead of a name on the invitation list. Keep cheering.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Im sure their excluded.. your a sheep! now pull over.

    May 21, 2013 at 5:55 PM

    You MUST be a cop. You grammar suggests a low I.Q. which is required to be one.

    Anonymous said...
    It's about damn time. I just want to know how they are going to do it. These drivers sure do have a lot of tricks concealing cellphone and laptop use while driving. These people are going to kill a lot of drivers.

    May 21, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    If they were gonna kill a lot of drivers, don't you think it would have happened by now? Distracted driving is but one small reason for crashes. Lack of driving skills is much more responsible for crashes and much more prevalent than distracted driving.

  8. It's about time!
    $ out of every 5 drivers I see are guilty of this.

  9. Waaaaa,lets point fingers! because cops are the ones who make the laws huh?

  10. Let's get those school bus drivers on Old Ocean City Road too. Every day I see the same 2 meet me on that road and they are on their phone every time! I don't care if kids are not on the bus, they're driving a tank and the bottom line is they're still breaking the law!

  11. Would be interesting to know WHO is exempt from this... Just more of O'Malley's back-door taxes...


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