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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Laundering Your Tax Money

Just when you grow tired of seeing Fire Trucks pulling up to restaurants, grocery stores, voting locations and the like, today was an all new surprise.

Even though there's a Food Lion in this parking lot and a sub shop, I was amazed to see Firefighters getting out to go to the Dry Cleaners instead.

And you wonder why you have to replace these multi million dollar vehicles every few years.


  1. the duty crew could be doing a pre plan or inspection of the place, so when it is on fire they know what is in the building burning. Laundry mats have a lot of flammable chemicals in them.

  2. First, they go to SECU to cash their paychecks.

  3. joey you are an idiot

  4. oh well, you asked for it, you voted for it,

    YOU GOT IT!!!


    it is CLEAR NO ONE CARES, NO ONE WANTS IT STOPPED, EVERYONE VOTED FOR IT so now you got it so quick playing the same damn song and tune...

  5. You think Joe is bad. God for bid if anything happens to Obama. We get Joe Biden.

  6. Instead of bashing, become a volunteer and find out exactly how the department is run. You may find out the reason what the crew is taken out like this. In the event of a call, the crew can leave the area and go straight to the call. I would dislike being the call that has to wait for the crew to come back, suit up, hop into the truck, and then leave for my rescue. Find out the inner workings instead of talking from the outside. Volunteer in the community and make a difference.

  7. First of all, if that's the College Ave shopping center, I don't think there's a Food Lion there..secondly, I don't care what fireman do when they aren't fighting fires, as long as they are responsible, compassionate firefighters who risk their lives to save my home or business.

  8. Whoever submitted the photo, there's no Food Lion in that shopping center. No grocery store at all.

    How do we know they didn't just finish a call and stop on the way back to the station?

    I highly doubt they were sitting around and thought "hey let's go to the dry cleaners".

  9. Saw the same Fire truck at Chipolte last week....thats an expensive delivery service!

  10. This is absolutely a pet peeve of mine - Gas, Diesel Fuel or whatever they use in those vehicles doesn't come cheap and to see them just out riding around and stopping to eat, shop, etc. angers me to no end. Absolutely a waste of my tax dollars. Firemen don't just ride around in a firetruck "in case of a fire and you can get there sooner". How ridiculous. Be responsible for once, go to your new mansion over there in the cranberry bog and make yourself useful. Wash the trucks, cut the grass, weed eat, cook your own darn dinner, lunch, breakfast or whatever but quit the riding around on taxpayers dollars.

  11. First off, the vehicles don't cost "multi million dollars". And they aren't replaced every few years. That engine is probably scheduled for replacment in 10-15 years. Were they getting their uniforms dry cleaned? Were they pre-planning the dry cleaners? Were they checking out FD connections for the facility? Checking out alarm panel locations? Learning about building construction features unique to strip malls that have a tendency to trap and injure firefighters? Or were they just getting their powder blue tux dry cleaned for the disco this weekend? You don't know you say? You merely, cowerdly took a cell phone picture out of your car window? Maybe grow a set next time and ask them what they are doing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take the ladder truck out to get cigarettes!

  12. I love all the excuses from Firefighters on here.

    Funny how NONE of them know what the actual purpose was, teling me they're attempting to cover their rear ends.

    Maybe they were doing this or mybe that. IF they were inspecting something they would have come back here and said so.

  13. Don't they have smaller vehicles they can drive to do inspections?

  14. For all those trying to make excuses...STOP! If they were there checking the building....I guess the garments they came out of the dry cleaners with they stole? If they have to pick something up from the dry cleaners do it on their OWN TIME and own dime not the tax payers. They are not paid to run their personal errands while on the clock. I doubt there are very few companies that would allow you to jump in their vehicle and run around town to do what ever you have to do while they give you a paycheck. The tax payers are sick and tire of the excuses. We see you driving the vehicles all over time every single day. They are emergency vehcles! That would lead many to believe they should be used during and EMERGENCY! You have smaller vehicles to do running around in if it is FD business. Everyone else in this town has had to cut back. Now it is your turn!

  15. Honestly Albero, I hope I live long enough to piss on your grave. That would make my life complete.

  16. anonymous 10:22, come on now, you know this is uncalled for. You have more chase vehicles, (more than 99.9% of the taxpayers know about) than any other Fire Department in the entire state. Mind you, brand new ones too.

    Ireton doesn't have the stones to rein you in so guess what, I'm back to doing what I have more power than any Mayor anyway, I'm exposing the truth. The court of public opinion will hold you accountable.

    Mr. Tough Guy Anonymous. While there are many good men in that department, you are a pansy that probably parties with the Mayor. Stay out of the ladies room.

  17. Go pick on the cops.

  18. anonymous 8:46, you are correct on the grocery store. There used to be a Super Fresh in that shopping center, my bad.

  19. 8:40 Ever heard of doing PERSONAL business on PERSONAL time? In your PERSONAL vehicle? You know, the one TAXPAYERS don't pay for???

  20. And maybe this kind of thing would make people slow to get out of the way on a REAL call?

  21. I know they have regular vehicles to do odd jobs. The fire truck needs to stay in the fire house until and if we have a fire. Use the gas as if you were purchasing it.

  22. See them riding around all the time; go past JT's around lunch time daily and you may even see the ladder truck there. These vehicles are out wasting taxpayer gas money on a daily basis and no one seems to care!
    This City has gone down the drain sooo bad it's just sickening!

  23. Yes, Joe.

    Lots of excuses/speculations on what these guys were doing or why they were there or some crap about how it may have been OK. I'm not buying it.

    I am sick to death of hearing we should leave the firefighters alone because they're so brave and they risk their lives to keep us safe.

    Please. It's a taxpayer funded social club.

  24. Anonymous said...
    First, they go to SECU to cash their paychecks.

    May 21, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    I've seen them their almost daily.

  25. Anonymous said...
    You think Joe is bad. God for bid if anything happens to Obama. We get Joe Biden.

    May 21, 2013 at 8:26 AM

    That is the dumbest comment I have ever heard. You people are idiots to think that someone could be worse than Obama.

  26. Anonymous said...
    First of all, if that's the College Ave shopping center, I don't think there's a Food Lion there..secondly, I don't care what fireman do when they aren't fighting fires, as long as they are responsible, compassionate firefighters who risk their lives to save my home or business.

    May 21, 2013 at 8:46 AM

    Aw! Must be a farmin or a farmin's wifey! Job security.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Whoever submitted the photo, there's no Food Lion in that shopping center. No grocery store at all.

    How do we know they didn't just finish a call and stop on the way back to the station?

    I highly doubt they were sitting around and thought "hey let's go to the dry cleaners".

    May 21, 2013 at 8:48 AM

    Bull Crap! I know several firefighters that get there duty shirts dry cleaned.

  28. Anonymous said...
    This is absolutely a pet peeve of mine - Gas, Diesel Fuel or whatever they use in those vehicles doesn't come cheap and to see them just out riding around and stopping to eat, shop, etc. angers me to no end. Absolutely a waste of my tax dollars. Firemen don't just ride around in a firetruck "in case of a fire and you can get there sooner". How ridiculous. Be responsible for once, go to your new mansion over there in the cranberry bog and make yourself useful. Wash the trucks, cut the grass, weed eat, cook your own darn dinner, lunch, breakfast or whatever but quit the riding around on taxpayers dollars.

    May 21, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    You are exactly correct on this. They always use the excuse as training or doing an inspection if anyone asks. Liars. They say they can get to the call quicker if they are already on the road. That's a lie. They are in the shopping center near the college and if a major fire with entrapment on Naylor Mill Road was dispatched how can they get there quicker. What if there was a serious accident with someone trapped on Naylor Mill Road? They would have to leave the shopping center and respond back to the station on Cypress Street to pick up the rescue truck. Park or abandon that engine then jump on the rescue truck and respond to the rescue call. That would be an ugly scene when the child is dying in the in the car waiting for the rescue truck to arrive and disentangle the trapped child.

    These firemen always have excuses for what hey do.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Don't they have smaller vehicles they can drive to do inspections?

    May 21, 2013 at 9:28 AM

    I heard Rick Hoppes fired the Fire Inspections captain.

  30. Please move this to the top so the citizens can see this and the comments their paid firemen are making. Your hit will go up. Looks like you opened a can of worms and they are in the damage control mode.

  31. Keep the engines locked up at the Fire Stations. Who care's if our Response Time is better than the National average. Who's cares about your family if they are in an emergency situation. Surely you don't. Most on here commenting could give a rats ass about their families.

  32. They couldn't pull up to the curb , too many cars parked in the fire zone at the cleaners.
    These guys are a good joke!

  33. 1:09.. I used to live in Delaware. I know Biden. He is worse than Obama. You need to listen to him some time. If they let him talk....lol.Everyone thought Dan Quail was dumb..

  34. Anonymous said...
    1:09.. I used to live in Delaware. I know Biden. He is worse than Obama. You need to listen to him some time. If they let him talk....lol.Everyone thought Dan Quail was dumb..

    May 21, 2013 at 3:36 PM

    Everything you heard, we heard. WBOC and WMDT lives in Delaware and they don't cover the lower shore. At least we know were Biden was born. At least Biden isn't a Muslim. You are an idiot if you think someone is worse than Obama. Never said intelligent ones.

  35. My peoples on da west side don't want to be farmin'

  36. I see fire vehicles all over town at all hours these days. Hoppes and Ireton can do anything they want now.

  37. cry cry cry bitch bitch bitch all of the above losers

  38. I do have to admit this is the only municipality I have seen that use their fire trucks and ladder trucks for non emergency use. Thought they had a couple suburbans or smaller truck to use for this. Why wear out our most expensive equipment not to mention least fuel efficient to pick up subs. I also do not know why we cannot use more fuel efficient vehicles to go on ambulance calls rather than firetrucks. Lets use some common sence

  39. I cannot figure out why they take at least five different vehicles to a minor accident! Seems like misuse of personnel and equipment.

  40. I work for the city (not the fire dept) I am a diabetic. I do a good job keeping snacks with me to keep my sugar up. Sometimes things happen and I have to stop while I am working in the field. If I am away from the office and I absolutely have to use the bathroom or get a sugar boost I will stop at wawa, Shore stop, mcDonalds,dollar general ect. so next time don't be so quick to judge when you see a truck parked out front of a business. you never know what they are doing.

  41. Anonymous said...
    cry cry cry bitch bitch bitch all of the above losers

    May 21, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    Ahh, and here we have the driver. lol.

  42. anonymous 6:36, with all due respect, wouldn't a responsible adult carry candy bars or something sweet at ALL times when your a diabetic????

  43. Joe have you ever locked your Keyes in your car?

  44. I said "sometimes" not every day!

  45. Stopping at a dry cleaners is not a stop at WaWa for a bathroom or sugar boost.

    I was told they drive the trucks around as "community relations." To be seen by the people and know they are protected. Sounds like police envy to me. They do, however, get spotted by parents who ask if their child can climb aboard. That's the community relations part, I guess.

    For me, the community relations would be to stop burning gas and putting on miles unnecessarily so I can have some of my tax money to go to the dentist once in a blue moon.

  46. anonymous 6:55, No, I have never locked my keys in any of my vehicles.

  47. Does anything get posted that is in support of the fd?

  48. anonymous 7:49, The world does NOT revolve around the Salisbury Fire Department. What we delivered here is true and factual. They were doing their dry cleaning and doing so on the backs of the taxpayers.

    I am sick and tired of the excuses. For once in your lives ADMIT to what we reported as being factual. Just because I and or our viewers disagree with your practices do not make us bad people. We simply disagree.

    If I had become your Mayor, let me assure you, you would never again be taking expensive equipment to grocery shop, buy lunch or dinner or drop off and or pick up your dry cleaning at taxpayers expense.

    Because you now have a rubber stamp council and a pansy mayor who will do anything opposite of what Joe Albero says at all cost, things will remain the same. So, in the mean time, deal with our posts. In fact I'll ask ALL of our readers, you see a fire truck out shopping, snap a picture and send it to 410-430-5349 and we'll show the public just how often you abuse the taxpayers.

  49. Compensation for the lack of an official arsonist.The trucks have to get some use.

  50. Afraid of getting targetedMay 21, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    Fire trucks at Rita's are a very familiar sight. Having someone hand out literature about fire safety and talk to the kids about fire prevention would make it a bit more useful.
    Silence is compliance so question what you need, make the damn elected ones work for US. and those we employ

  51. Why can't our daily Times provide some good journalist context to things such as this? Where has our newspaper gone? What do they have to hide on behalf of the fire depts and paramedics?


  52. This is so wrong!!!! In our department it is mandated we get to work and never leave so the public doesn’t know we are there. When we get a call of any kind we have a rotation and take turns riding to the call on a bicycle first to make sure the person’s mom or child is in full arrest and really need an ambulance or the house is on fire this way we don’t burn any unneeded fuel. It normally take 10-30 minutes longer to get the help you really needed depending on where the call is, but it works for us and we never get any complaints about it. Our taxpayers like not seeing any fireman the people who come to their aid on a daily bases. The men and women who put their lives on the line for you should not be allowed to go get food this is CRAZY I can’t believe your government lets this happen.

  53. anonymous 9:32, In case you hadn't noticed, the Daily Times refuses to rock the boat with Salisbury. I learned in my campaign the pressure from local organizations demanding I refrain from ANY negative articles about Salisbury, hence why you now see the biggest advertiser we had gone. I refuse to kneel down to the special interests and or demands from those special interests or advertisers.

    I can tell you this. The advertiser experienced record sales every single month while on board with Salisbury News. They need to look at their numbers over the past two months and recognize the changes. It did not effect Salisbury News. In fact, 5 new advertisers came on board within 2 days after their ads were pulled.

    The Daily Times bows down to Jim Ireton. Jim Ireton feeds a select group of people information about what's going on in the City because he can't stand me personally. Ireton isn't mature enough or experienced enough to know as a professional you leave out the personal differences for the best interest of the citizens. Salisbury News has more local traffic than ANY other news outlet on the Shore. Rather than local news sources bowing down to the Mayor, the Mayor should be bowing down to all of the Press instead. After all, we're the ones out there promoting City events and so forth. Oh, that's right, they PAY the Daily Times for that stuff.

  54. I know what they were doing but not really any of your concern. That is all other than as everyone stated as they don't have clue on what is actually at this location.

  55. Anonymous said...
    I work for the city (not the fire dept) I am a diabetic. I do a good job keeping snacks with me to keep my sugar up. Sometimes things happen and I have to stop while I am working in the field. If I am away from the office and I absolutely have to use the bathroom or get a sugar boost I will stop at wawa, Shore stop, mcDonalds,dollar general ect. so next time don't be so quick to judge when you see a truck parked out front of a business. you never know what they are doing.

    May 21, 2013 at 6:36 PM

    If you or the firemen were known diabetics and have to make that many stops I am sure someone in your department or the city would find a reason to force you out on medical disability. If you have to make that many stops in a city vehicle you need to go out on disability. Sounds to me you are making to many excuses to stop at these stores. Sounds to me you spend more time in these stores than you do doing your job. So much for your pity party.

    Speaking of Wawa I see city vehicles of all kinds at Wawa every single morning including fire trucks. Most of the time they are parked in the loading zone or the fire lanes eating there breakfast. If anyone is out and about around 8:30 AM any weekday morning feel free to sit in the park lot and see for yourself. Feel free to take pictures and submit them to Joe with details. All city employees take advantage of their jobs and eat their breakfast on our time. It is sickening.

  56. Anonymous said...
    I cannot figure out why they take at least five different vehicles to a minor accident! Seems like misuse of personnel and equipment.

    May 21, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    That's because they have so many cars and SUV's assigned to staff and they free lance on calls just like the fire trucks do.

  57. 10:17 PM I take offense to your comments and lies. As a taxpayer it is of concern to us. You are obviously one of those over paid firemen who don't live in the city and pay taxes. You and your kind need to be fired.


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