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Monday, May 20, 2013

Judge Katie O’Malley Turns Cover Girl In Fashion Shoot

District Court Judge Catherine Curran O’Malley, the governor’s wife, is often found in basic black, especially in her Baltimore courtroom.

But Katie O’Malley, usually associated with serious issues like eliminating bullying, graces the cover of the June issue of Baltimore Style magazine in high fashion dresses, coiffure and makeup that make her almost unrecognizable. “Katie, oh!,” says the headline. “Maryland’s first lady goes glam.”

The 50-year-old mother of four admits in a 1,500 interview that accompanies the 10-page spread that she’s never done a fashion shoot for a glossy magazine. The seven photos show her in seven different outfits and three different hairstyles. One even has her standing in a floral kimono on the table in what appears to be the small dining room on the first-floor of Government House.

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  1. Grooming her for FLOTUS. God Save The Republic.

    1. First thing came to mind 12:43.

  2. Judges USED to try to stay OUT of the limelight and NOT draw attention to themselves. It was considered unbecoming behavior for someone in their position.

  3. The Aristocracy

  4. They've got photoshop working overtime on that one. Just don't don't look at her non touched up photos.


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