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Thursday, May 23, 2013

How America Became A Third World Country

The streets are so much darker now, since money for streetlights is rarely available to municipal governments. The national parks began closing down years ago. Some are already being subdivided and sold to the highest bidder. Reports on bridges crumbling or even collapsing are commonplace. The air in city after city hangs brown and heavy (and rates of childhood asthma and other lung diseases have shot up), because funding that would allow the enforcement of clean air standards by the Environmental Protection Agency is a distant memory. Public education has been cut to the bone, making good schools a luxury and, according to the Department of Education, two of every five students won’t graduate from high school.

It’s 2023 -- and this is America 10 years after the first across-the-board federal budget cuts known as sequestration went into effect. They went on for a decade, making no exception for effective programs vital to America’s economic health that were already underfunded, like job training and infrastructure repairs. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.



  1. This is exactly why we need Democrat Socialists and Marxists out of office NOW. What this article described is the Soviet Union in it's heyday!

  2. Our Heavenly Father is surely crying for what this once great nation has become. Satan has dominion of this world and has certainly found his minions working well on his behalf.
    I am so glad that I am just a sojourner traveling through this world. Heaven will be a place so grand that I can not even manage; I, and all those that have believed and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, will be in a perfect place forever. What a wonderful thought that I try so hard to keep in mind ALL the time.


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