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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Corporate Power Is Out Of Control

Western & Southern Insurance Group in Cincinnati decided it was buying the 104-year-old inn across the street from it's headquarters, even though the property was not for sale. Several years ago, Western & Southern offered to buy the Anna Louise Inn, a home for struggling women, for $1.8 million dollars – less than half its value.

But, the women wouldn't sell. So, the company sued the women of Anna Louise over a zoning issue, and tied them up in court for over two years. Eventually, the costs of the legal fight became to much to bear, and the women were forced to sell the property to Western & Southern for $4 million dollars. They will soon be relocated to a new building in a shabby neighborhood two miles away. 

For decades, the Inn has been home to women leaving abusive husbands, recovering from drug addiction, or transitioning from foster care to adulthood. But, that's all about to change because this huge corporation could afford a legal fight, and the Anna Louise couldn't. Western & Southern used our court system as their personal sword, to wield power over those without the means to fight. They should be ashamed, and we should be outraged.


  1. I've told you this before, too. Its NOT just the politicians. Its the States Attorneys that help this stuff go through the system and the bought and paid for judges who (coincidence, I'm sure) seem to always rule in favor of the coporate pythons. Even the Supreme Court (!!) has ruled that it is LEGAL for a city to (through imminent domain) take private property and sell it (cheaply!) to other private citizens. In order to get more taxes! Revolution is in order. Read "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine. We are no longer capable of "voting" this system out of existence.....

  2. This insurance company was probably insuring all the abusive husbands/fathers and this was their way of 'getting back'.

    1. Agreed 7:42. Somebody needs to protect those men from their emotionally unstable professional victim spouses and girlfriends. Sometimes I think those men are dumb for not seeing the psycho in those women until it's too late.

  3. 7:42 you are an idiot.


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